@drupal8changes is a bot that tweets published Drupal core change records.

Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
8.8.x / 8.8.0 24-May-2019 WebTestBase is deprecated
8.8.x / 8.8.0 24-May-2019 NodeNewComments requires the entity type manager and entity field manager to be passed into the constructor
8.2.x / 8.2 19-May-2019 SQLite enables Write-Ahead Log journal (WAL) by default
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 17-May-2019 Deprecated archiver procedural functions
8.7.x / 8.7.0 14-May-2019 The entity_type and field_name fields on Comment entities are now required and should not be NULL
8.8.x / 8.8.0 07-May-2019 drupal_schema_get_field_value() deprecated
8.8.x / 8.8.0 06-May-2019 Field formatters now pass their third party settings
8.8.x / 8.8.0 06-May-2019 TrackerTestBase is deprecated
8.8.x / 8.8.0 02-May-2019 user_delete and user_delete_multiple have been deprecated
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 30-Apr-2019 entity_load_multiple_by_properties() is deprecated
8.8.x 29-Apr-2019 Functions to view entities are deprecated
8.0.x / 8.0.0 26-Apr-2019 entity_get_bundles() deprecated in favor of EntityTypeBundleInfo service
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 26-Apr-2019 entity_get_display() and entity_get_form_display() moved to EntityDisplayRepositoryInterface
8.8.x / 8.8.0 12-Apr-2019 ConfigurableTrait available to reduce plugin boilerplate
8.7.x / 8.7.0 11-Apr-2019 Entity Update backup data is now preserved by default
8.8.x / 8.8.0 11-Apr-2019 drupal_classloader_register() & system_register() are deprecated
8.8.x / 8.8.0-ALPHA1 03-Apr-2019 New ExportStorage service to assist with configuration export
8.8.x / 8.8.0 02-Apr-2019 Passing an array as value to the link_uri migrate source plugin has been deprecated
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 01-Apr-2019 CSS standards for ordering enforced using stylelint-order plugin
8.7.x / 8.7.0 31-Mar-2019 Drupal Coder/PHPCS Updates
8.7.x / 8.7.0-beta1 29-Mar-2019 PHP 5.5 only supported for existing Drupal 8 sites, new Drupal 8 sites require PHP 7.0.8
8.8.x / 8.8.0 29-Mar-2019 Action module forms moved to src/Form
8.7.x / 8.7.0 28-Mar-2019 LayoutBuilderSampleEntityGenerator now implements an interface
8.7.x / 8.7.0 27-Mar-2019 InlineBlockUsage now implements an interface
8.7.x / 8.7.0 26-Mar-2019 Media now has a permission to view unpublished items
8.7.x / 8.7.0 23-Mar-2019 hook_layout_builder_overrides_entity_form_display_alter() has been removed in favor of the generic hook_entity_form_display_alter()
8.7.x / 8.7.0-beta1 22-Mar-2019 oEmbed content can now be responsive
8.7.x / 8.7.0 22-Mar-2019 The content entity storage and entity query now use the last installed entity type and field storage definitions
8.7.x / 8.7.0-beta1 21-Mar-2019 FileSystem::copy(), FileSystem::move() and FileSystem::saveData() no longer support an optional destination
8.7.x / 8.7.0 21-Mar-2019 PHP dependencies updated for 8.7.0
8.7.x / 8.7.0-alpha2 21-Mar-2019 JSON:API is a new stable module
8.7.x / 8.7.0 18-Mar-2019 ContentTranslationUpdatesManager is deprecated
8.7.x / 8.7.0-alpha2 14-Mar-2019 Layout Builder helper function isEntityUsingFieldOverride() has been deprecated
8.2.x / 8.2.0-beta1 13-Mar-2019 CSRF token route protection moved out of the REST module to be available to other core systems and contrib.
8.7.x / 8.7.0 13-Mar-2019 \Drupal\Core\Validation\TranslatorInterface no longer extends \Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface
8.7.x / 8.7.0-alpha1 11-Mar-2019 Taxonomy terms are revisionable
8.7.x / 8.7.0 11-Mar-2019 Custom menu links are revisionable
8.7.x / 8.7.0 08-Mar-2019 ContextDefinition annotations can specify constraints
8.6.x / 8.6.4 08-Mar-2019 PHP 7.3 support
8.7.x / 8.7.0 08-Mar-2019 Support for automatic entity updates has been removed
8.7.x / 8.7.0 08-Mar-2019 Kernel tests have to install entity type schemas for all the entity types they are testing, and before installing any other configuration
8.7.x / 8.7.0 08-Mar-2019 Serialized field properties are now serialized when loaded from the storage
8.7.x / 8.7.0-alpha1 08-Mar-2019 New StorageCopyTrait to copy all the configuration from one storage to another
8.7.x / 8.7.0 08-Mar-2019 New migrate field discovery service for fields and field instances
8.7.x / 8.7.0 06-Mar-2019 New API to perform entity variant negotiation available
8.7.x / 8.7.0 06-Mar-2019 Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container does not implement Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ResettableContainerInterface anymore
8.7.x / 8.7.0 04-Mar-2019 Add ArchiveTar to composer.json
8.7.x / 8.7.0 01-Mar-2019 New helper method available to set up the "current_user" service in kernel tests
8.7.x / 8.7.0 01-Mar-2019 Procedural functions drupal_set_time_limit() and file_upload_max_size() are deprecated
8.7.x 01-Mar-2019 Section lists can now differentiate between newly created empty lists and those that have had all sections removed


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