Everything groups, user interaction, moderation, rating, profile management, etc.

Members vs. Profile


Members is:
NOT searchable
Can be configured through the GUI to restrict display users with specific roles
Can be configured through the GUI to wrt which profile fields are displayed

Profiles is:
NOT Sortable
Cannot be configured through the GUI wrt roles or fields.

Module suggestion: 'Was this article useful to you?' counter

I just got an idea for a module for Drupal. I have a drupal site where I post articles on various software related problems I've run into and how I solved them, as well as some tips. Currently these are about Ubuntu Linux, Vi and LaTeX. I notice in my statistics I am found pretty often through search engines with terms related to these problems so apparantly people find my page in an attempt to solve their problems.

Social Software - critique and hope, by a practitioner


I am the Secretary and webmaster for the Association of Online Community Professionals. http://www.emint.org/index.htm and yes, I'm building our new website in Drupal, (and attempting to do so without using any PHP or MySQL, by way of a "can non techie community types actually even hope to use this stuff" exercise. (beta at http://www.iandickson.com/emint/drupal )

I am here because I found that Drupal was the closest thing I could find to a practical social software system that might actually be useful.

I have written and lectured on the subject, and, until the illness of my propgrammer partner, was developing a powerful new social software package (CommKit, RIP). My ideas, his technical skill.

I've read the posts here and can see the same combination of techie enthusiasm plus misunderstanding as I've come across elsewhere.

To keep a long post short :-

1) The math isn't (as stated in an earlier thread) N squared, it's 2 to the N, which is why there is a scaling problem! See http://www.emint.org/papers/iandickson/reedslaw.htm

2) The issues are all about the psychology or identity, the psychology of permissions, and the psychology of conversation and group dynamics. See http://www.emint.org/papers/iandickson/psych1.htm

3) It is clear to me that Drupal is structured in such a way that many of the core issues could be solved as the data is/can exist in Drupal.

Node moderation: SoapBlox features that might be nice

This new SoapBlox-powered site has a nice explanation of how their recommended diaries module works. I thought it might be helpful to point to it here in hopes of spurring some ideas on features for nmoderation (and perhaps node vote?).

Here are the rules of how Recommended diaries are figured out in SoapBlox. There are four variables that a blog owner (the Admin role) can set.

1. Number of Recommended Diaries - this is the total number of diaries that can appear on the front page in the "Recommended Diaries" area.

2. Maximum days to Recommend - A user is only allowed to recommend a diary for a certain amount of time. This makes sure that the "Recommended Diaries" area stays fresh.

3. Recommend Half Life - A measure of time, in hours, of when a Recommendation from a user will be worth half it's value. This time is based on when a diary is posted.

4. Initial Recommendation Points - How many points the original recommendation will be worth.

Further explanation of the algorithms:

The formula for figuring the scores of the diaries works like this:

hoursSincePost = the hours since a diary has been posted (truncated)
halfLife = the half life, in hours

We calculate a value called halfLifeExponent

halfLifeExponent = hoursSincePost / halfLife

Orkut-like setup

Hi all,

Our company has a community site like orkut.com, and after succesfully converting another project of ours from xoops to drupal, we would now like to switch from our own code to drupal. The first tests are looking great, but there is a lot of tweaking left. Did someone try this as well? The rough specifics are:

Call to undefined function mysql_connect()

hi all!

i got the error message while i am opening the php page.

"Call to undefined function mysql_connect()"

my source :

$conn=mysql_connect('servername','username','password') or die('Error connecting to mysql');

plz help.



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