General CVS problems

Recently I took over the maintenance for the Foliage theme. After having updated the theme files for Drupal 6 and reading carefully all CVS documentation pages I logged into my fresh CVS account.

However I did not manage to upload the revised files to the repository - reading the documentations and trying to upload the files again an again.
Only a few new files have been uploaded and as a result the Foliage Drupal 6 download does not contain all files.

Creeping Commoishalism on

Today in the annual 2008 post on hosting providers ( I noticed a new, jarring "paid affiliate" banner advertisement from SiteGround, irritatingly placed between the entry head and body.

I think there can be a place for advertising at, but I was really shocked to see the placement of this ad, actually within the entry itself. That kind of placement is something I expect to see only on the most crass of commercial sites, and certainly not in an open source devel community site.

Request to review unblocking of module Fileshare

I would like to try out fileshare.module, but the module page says that access is denied.

I suspect this is because of security advisory SA-2008-004.

In CVS, it seems that some sort of security related check-in has been committed ( after the advisory was announced.

Where does the files uploaded functionality using webform editor get stored

Am creating forms using webform editor, i was trying for file component that is uploading files. Once i upload any file it is not seen in the site files/webform/ directory. I didnt specify any subdirectories name in the "upload directory" which default should store in files/webform, but this is not happening.


Promoting to the front page of


I realise that there are a lot of important things out there. However... well, I developed the first "easy" way to create a full digg clone in Drupal, with extra_voting_forms, user_karma and drigg (all officially released modules) based on the Voting API.

I wrote out an announcement:

I don't suppose this would be considered "homepage material"?



Adding Content 'Story'


I am using the content type "Story" to add some information to my website, and I was wondering if you could publish a snippet of each story I write on a chosen page Eg. node/18, instead of having it published on the front page.



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