This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.


Open API is most likely to be the preferred option for human-readable API docs moving forward. You should consider using that module over this one when evaluating your needs.


The self documenting REST API module provides automatic API documentation for your REST API.
Whilst building your site, be sure to complete help documentation for each field as you add them to your entities.
This module will then introspect the available REST routes as well as views that contain REST Export displays and automatically build API documentation pages for your REST API.


  • List of endpoints.
  • Required fields and values.
  • Configure the end-points listed.
  • Provide an overview of API.
  • Auto-parses doc-block summary for controller methods.


Be sure to add help documentation for each field as you add it to your entity, the module uses those values to document the format and example values for each field.


See the Roadmap tag for issues on road-map prior to a 1.0 release.

Known problems

None, please use the issue queue to report and problems experienced.
Last updated for Core against commit 2c6cd92 - September 25th


Coming soon.


Written by Lee Rowlands for an article in Drupal Watchdog.

Recommended modules

Use the REST UI module for simple point and click configuration of your REST API end-points.

Similar projects

Inspired by the Symfony NelmioApiDocBundle which provides similar functionality for Symfony based REST APIs.

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