This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module builds user profiles as nodes, which opens the opportunity to use the Content Construction Kit (CCK). So it's possible to make use of the field types, which are available for CCK. The integration of the views module allows one to easily build customizable user listings or even user searches.

Furthermore it allows one

  • to build nodeprofiles consisting of several content types,
  • to build different nodeprofiles for different roles or
  • to build multiple (different kind of) nodeprofiles for the same users.


Node Family
Subform Element (for the 5.x version only)

Optional: Pageroute

Note: You can find further information regarding this project on my drupal blog.
There is also a related discussion group on profiles-as-nodes
This project has been initially created as Google Summer of Code 06 project: project description

For a 6.x compatible version have a look at Content Profile or this issue. There will be no 6.x compatible Node Profile module.

Status: There won't be any active development in the drupal 5 version or earlier any more.

Project information
