This module provides a queues based system to manage mails.

It treats every queue item as an entity and provides a default processor to send them via Drupal core email's system.

Processors can be provided from external modules and can be selected in each queue.

Each queue can be limited by the following:

  • Number of items per cron run
  • Delay between one item and the next
  • Number of attemps per item (Pending to implement)

Note the following things:

  • At the moment this module does not use the Drupal core Queue API.
  • Queue items are created programmatically (there isn't a UI for this at the moment).


Using composer:

composer require drupal/mail_entity_queue --sort-packages


  • You can add one or several Queues in Configuration > System > Mail entity queues (config/system/mail-entity-queue)
  • Mail queue items are managed from Structure > Mail queue items (admin/structure/mail-entity-queue).
  • You can update/delete/process each item individually from there.


  • First, create a queue from Configuration > System > Mail entity queues (config/system/mail-entity-queue)
  • Using the queue machine name, load it programmatically and add items to it, for example:
    $queue = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('mail_entity_queue')->load('my_queue');
    $to = '';
    $params = [
        'subject' => 'My awesome email',
        'body' => ['Body of the email'],
        'headers' => [
            'From' => '',
            'Sender' => ''
    $queue->addItem($to, $params);
  • Manage the queues from Structure > Mail queue items (admin/structure/mail-entity-queue)



Queue Mail:


Fundación UNICEF Comité Español

Supporting organizations: 
Development and maintenance

Project information
