I was originally looking for someone to make an image editor for the imagefield module, and posted the request here - http://drupal.org/node/442034 But I found an existing editor at http://www.ajax-image-editor.com . I found it pretty simple to add a bit of code to an imagefield function to link the preview thumbnails to this editor, so I wanted to share what I've learned so far in case someone wants to make a proper module out of it for the (incredibly awesome) imagefield module.

Download links

1.) AIE Editor - http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=199663&package_id=...
2.) Ext JS - http://extjs.com/products/extjs/download.php (choose 2.2.1 SDK download links)

The AIE folders should be extracted directly to your main drupal directory, as well as the ext js files. Your drupal folder should look like this:

- all your root drupal folders +
- aie
- fonts
- images
- temp
- ext

You will need to add the following javascript to your pages. Take note of the aie/imageeditor.php path, as you will probably need to make that the root path to your AIE install (/drupalfolder/aie/imageeditor etc)

<script language="javascript1.2" type="text/javascript">
function showimageeditor( bild ) {
	LeftPosition = ( screen.width ) ? ( screen.width - 660 ) / 2 : 0;
	TopPosition = ( screen.height ) ? ( screen.height - 700 ) / 2 : 0;
	settings = 'height=700, width=660, top=' + TopPosition + ', left=' + LeftPosition + ', scrollbars=no, resizable=no, menubar=no, dependent=yes, status=no, toolbar=no'
	win = window.open( "aie/imageeditor.php?img=" + encodeURIComponent(bild), "imageeditorwin", settings )

function imagesaved(){

You need to set up the config.inc.php file in the AIE folder (I set this up for my local xampp install), and make sure you have the right path to imagemagick for your server.

  $web_root_dir="/xampp/htdocs/drupal6/"; 	             //the root directory of the webpage
  $server_temp_dir=$web_root_dir."temp/";      //the directory for temporary files and thumbnails cache
  $ffmpeg_location="";                         //the location of ffmpeg for video preview eg. "/usr/bin/ffmpeg". leave blank if ffmpeg is not installed.
  $fonts_dir=$web_root_dir."/fonts/";          //the fonts-directory
  $imagemagick_dir="/xampp/IM/";                //the ImageMagick installation directory
  $language="en";                              //the Language, en and de for now...
  $ext_dir="../ext/";                       //the relative path to the ext-js-library
  $default_theme="black";                      //the default ext-js-theme

Lastly you need a link to call the imageeditor when you're editing your node and viewing your imagefields. I just quickly modified the actual imagefield module on line 314 instead of doing it properly, as shown below :P

function theme_imagefield_admin_thumbnail($item = NULL) {
  if (is_null($item) || empty($item['filepath'])) {
    return '<!-- link to default admin thumb -->';
  $thumb_path = imagefield_file_admin_thumb_path($item);
  return '<a href="/drupal6/'.$item['filepath'].'"><img src="'. file_create_url($thumb_path) .'" /></a>'; //add link here to the image thumbnail to call the editor

And there you go... after you've uploaded your images you should be able to just click on the thumbnails while editing the node and bring up the editor, so that you can modify the main file.


Sansui’s picture

I'm not sure if this was the right place to post this thread, so hopefully I'm not mucking up the imagefield queue :o I just thought it was really cool and simple and other people might benefit

But to answer some questions I received by email

1.) Yes, this works fine with fupload for batch uploading files using CCK.
2.) Your web_root_dir path needs to be the absolute path on your server - for example, here is my config on a live server running WHM

  $web_root_dir="/home/cdemo/public_html/"; 	             //the root directory of the webpage
  $server_temp_dir=$web_root_dir."temp/";      //the directory for temporary files and thumbnails cache
  $ffmpeg_location="";                         //the location of ffmpeg for video preview eg. "/usr/bin/ffmpeg". leave blank if ffmpeg is not installed.
  $fonts_dir=$web_root_dir."/fonts/";          //the fonts-directory
  $imagemagick_dir="/usr/bin/";                //the ImageMagick installation directory
  $language="en";                              //the Language, en and de for now...
  $ext_dir="../ext/";                       //the relative path to the ext-js-library
  $default_theme="black";                      //the default ext-js-theme

3.) Code for link in the function was wrong. Should look like this

function theme_imagefield_admin_thumbnail($item = NULL) {
  if (is_null($item) || empty($item['filepath'])) {
    return '<!-- link to default admin thumb -->';
  $thumb_path = imagefield_file_admin_thumb_path($item);
  return '<a onclick="showimageeditor(\''.$item['filepath'].'\')" href="#"><img src="'. file_create_url($thumb_path) .'" /></a>';
quicksketch’s picture

I think this would be great, but I don't think it should be included in ImageField directly. Including in ImageField basically means we'd assume responsibility for fixing bugs with an external library, not to mention all the support requests. For starters, this should begin as a new contributed module. It can take two approaches... Make a new widget like ImageField Crop does, or affect all ImageFields the same way that FileField Sources does.

I think ultimately the approach used by FileField Sources is more flexible and reliable, but until #417122: Allow drupal_alter() on Field and Widget Settings gets done there's no place to put configuration options.

Sansui’s picture

I agree, I don't think it should be a part of imagefield :D Unfortunately while I have no problem modifying modules to do what I need, I haven't really figured out how to create and package a module appropriately. I was hoping someone else with the interest and knowledge could do this given the proof of concept

FileField Sources looks very interesting and useful, I had not seen that before!

quicksketch’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (won't fix)

Moving to won't fix, as this won't be included in the ImageField project.

jacobpov’s picture

Too bad this hasn't been implemented ):

duozersk’s picture

You can use the Image Editor module now - http://drupal.org/project/imageeditor
For now it integrates with popular proprietary services, but I will look into open source alternatives.