Imagefield Crop


Imagefield Crop provides a widget(1.x) or field(2.x) for selection based cropping an image after upload.

Comparison of image cropping modules


When the user uploads an image it is presented inside a cropping area. A cropping box is shown inside, and the user can resize and move it. Upon clicking "preview" or "submit", the image is cropped and the result is saved instead of the original image.


  • Seamless, intuitive cropping, almost like using a desktop photo editing app
  • All major browsers supported
  • Dynamic preview - you see how your crop will look like, in real time!
  • Original image is saved for recropping.
  • No matter what resolution the cropping area is, the original image is used for cropping (for highest quality)
  • The sizes of the cropping area, cropping box and resulting image can be controlled by the administrator

Version 7.x-2.x

Version 7.x-2.x is a fork of the 7.x-1.x branch and it introduces a new field type (as opposed to just a widget in 7.x-1.x), and is incompatible with 7.x-1.x at this moment, and there is no upgrade path.

Project information
