GDPR Export

This module allows a user to export all his data, so that your site is compatible with the General Data Protection Regulation (Art. 15 & 20).

The module currently adds a button to the user edit page, which will initialize the export and provide the zipped data for download. This might change in the future if we decide that there's a better place for the export link/button.

It comes with some usefull defaults, but if a site is using additional fields or entities, based on other 3rd party modules, you'll have to implement additional code to export it. See gdpr_export.api.php for more information on that.

This module currently has support for the following 3rd party fields:
- Drupal core Comment module - Exports all comments written by the user beeing exported
- Address field - Will try to export all data, which was filled out.
- Date - Will export all date properties with the default format of format_date
- Field collection - Will export any fields saved on the field collection.
- uiplog - Will export all logged IPs within the user object export
- Profile2 - Exports all profiles of a user.
- Privatemsg - Exports all private messages written by the user beeing exported.
- Organic groups - Exports all organic group memberships of an user.

Comparison to the GDPR module

- There is no 8.x version for the GDPR export.
- The GDPR module doesn't provides an export
- The data the GDPR module shows, is currently more incomplete then the data this module exports
- The GDPR export module only provides an export, nothing else. The GDPR module in contrary provides a checklist, that helps you figure out if your site is GDPR compatible.


- Entity API
- Symfony 3.x Serializer

To add the Symfony 3.x Serializer you can either use composer manager or load the autoload.php in a hook_boot().

Active development is currently done in the github repository:

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
