feeds debug tamper config form

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Feeds is a black box that makes any external source become your internal data.
Importing with Feeds can sometimes become difficult to follow, especially with complex sources or imports with a lot of tampers inbetween.

This module can help you shed some light into the black box of Feeds and Feeds Tamper.

It takes advantage of Feeds Tamper's extensible plugin architecture and allows you to debug the data being processed in three different ways at any step of the tampering flow.


For now, the following debug tools are implemented:

  • the webserver's error log
  • Drupal's watchdog
  • standard Drupal messages
  • (new) Devel's dpm()

You can request new features in the issue queue.

How to use

  1. download the module and place it under 'sites/all/modules/contrib' folder
    • with Drush use: drush dl feeds_debug_tamper
  2. enable the module from the modules page: 'admin/build/modules'
    • with Drush use: drush en feeds_debug_tamper -y
  3. add and configure the debug tamper to any importer you may have 'admin/structure/feeds'


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