Hi all,

A few years ago a friend and myself created a tourist/news website using Drupal 6. Neither of us are involved in web development professionally, it's all hobby.

At the moment we're revisiting the idea to create a movie database website, like IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes. Our site will be a lot plainer, only having pages for Actors, Movies, Directors, Producers, and Distributors. We are looking for tips / suggestions on how best to do this in Drupal 8.

Naturally we looked at previous attempts and found the following:

Oddly enough, all of these are years old. It seems no-one recently attempted something like this.

Modules found
There's the "Movie Database" which never made it past Drupal 6:

I could only find one example of a movie site (supposedly) created in Drupal: http://www.dcine.org/

Initially I wanted to hardcode everything using PHP and a DB, but this means losing all the advantages a CMS brings to the table. Then we concidered using a pre-populated database and only using Drupal to display its contents, but https://www.drupal.org/node/2780315 made me doubt that choice.

We see Drupal has changed quite a bit since the last time we touched it. For example, CCK has now been moved into core, and instead of Nodereference we now need to use Entity Reference. There's a lot to read up on.

1. What do you suggest it the best way to achieve what we want to do? In particular, I'm struggling with how to get Drupal to understand there's a relationship between different Content Types, like 'Actors', 'Movie', 'Director', 'Producer', etc.

2. Would it be possible to adapt the Movie Database module mentioned above for Drupal 8? Does anyone know of an alternative?


couturier’s picture

I'd recommend setting up a sample Drupal 8 site and playing around with it to see what you can do. There is a capability for forming relationships within Views which is a part of core in Drupal 8. I'm sure you could come up with a great movie database site, but the question would be your competition, as IMBD and Wikipedia have a pretty strong hold on this area already. You might consider doing a feature site with in-depth reviews on some of your favorite movies, as I think you might find better SEO ratings for something like that against your competition.