Hi All,

We just started receiving the following error when attempting to add a new content item: "Title cannot be longer than 70 characters but is currently 79 characters long." This happens regardless of the actual title length and the numbers in the error message are always the same, ie. the title "Test Title" returns that same error. This just started happening recently and the only change to the site that I can think of is a recent update from Drupal 7.97 to Drupal 7.98. Any ideas why this suddenly started happening?


VM’s picture

catalano’s picture

No, that module is not in use on the site.

Also, FWIW, the problem is occurring on a custom content type. It's not a problem when adding content of other types.

lariska’s picture

Maybe you have some "automatic tiltle creation module"? Which generates a very long title from token or content field.

catalano’s picture

No, we don't have anything like that installed. 

lariska’s picture

On my d7 installation I have found 'Title cannot be longer than %max characters but is currently %length characters long.' only in modules/image/image.test

It turns out that you are running tests somehow.

catalano’s picture

That's interesting. I see that file and see the error message in it. But the failure occurs even if I do not add a thumbnail image to the new content item.

lariska’s picture

As far as I understand, this file should never be called in a normal situation.

To run tests, you need to activate the module simpletest(?) and only after that you can run the tests through the interface admin/config/development/testing.

catalano’s picture

I'm still trying to troubleshoot this. I took the backup from before the problem started and installed it on a test server. I then started doing updates. First the Drupal 7.97 to 7.98 update - that worked fine. Then I started with modules, one at a time. When I got to the Metatag module the problem appeared. Any ideas why updating to the 7.x-1.32 version of Metatag would cause this error?