This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

how should I set my module variables

I'm was curious as to which hook in my module should I set variables with variable_set(variable_name, 0);.

I know I can use this at anytime, but I want to set it with default values just once. If anyone has some insight, let me know.

user import for 4.7 doesn't work


I have downloaded the user import project for drupal 4.6 and i have manually added the tables.

But I get an error when trying to import, something about hidden field problem.

Is there a stable version of user import available for 4.7?


latexrender module


What I must do so that the latexrender module ( is evident on the list of modules in version 5.0 RC1? I don't have a problem with the 4.7 version, but in 5 yes. :(

Content type dependencies

I am trying to get started on creating a content type which ask some basic information, then once submitted additional information can be attached by the user who created it. Similar to how once you create a content type with cck you can add fields to that content type after its creation or when you click configure on that content type. That is the best way to explain the functionality im looking for.

Where I am currently stuck is figuring out if this can be accomplished by integrating existing modules or should i create a completely new one. I have looked into acidfree for the videos and photos but have no idea if its possible to use this to allow photos and images to be added to created content.

Say I want a content type to allow people to submit information about their dog. Once they submit this information they can configure or edit their post about their dog and add as many photos as they would like.... also as many videos as they would like. When the submission is viewed by other users then their are tabs for

Information | Photos | Videos

At anytime this user should be able to modify their submission.

I would think this would just be integrating existing modules such as video, photo and possibly a cck content type? I'm fairly new to drupal and am trying to get a grasp on how all this works together.

Any direction would be appreciated

gallery module for user galleries ? // comments, forum discusion required

Like in topic ...

Ive have a look last 3 days on modules, try some of them but still didnt find what Im looking for ... so

Im looking for a gallery module integrated with Drupal with:

- user database this same as Drupal,
- user can have own categories or galleries,
- user can add photos to all categories after admin validation
- photos can by commented in comments or forum (integration with forum much better)
- auto thumbs, watermarks, resize

Auto-publish dates


I need to develop a module (unless one already exists) that gives three options when creating a node. These options are "Private Publish Date", "Public Publish Date" and "Expiry Date".
These three dates are set upon creation of nodes and determine when a node is viewable to users, anybody and no longer viewable respectfully.

I was wondering if somebody could give me some insight into the best way to develop this system. Would it be wise to build it off another already existing module, hook it into the access module or hard code it into the drupal engine.


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