This forum is for questions about translating the Drupal user interface. See also the Translations group.

404 on untranslated content[solved]

Hello everyone, im having an issue after a drupal 8 was upgrade to 9, almost all works fine, but im having trouble with translation that i will describe below:

The default language of the site is english, it has some untranslated contents that when i try to access the site returns me a 404.

/en/type/this-is-my-content => works fine
/pr-br/type/this-is-my-content => returns 404

There's a way to show up the default language content when the content is not translate?

thanks in advance :)

Redirect untranslated pages to language front page

Hi there,

I have a project running Drupal 9 with several languages and a lot of content pages. It is not possible to publish each translation simultaneously with the publication of the content in the main language.

If some content is accessed in one language and the user switches to another language the english (main language) content is shown but with the language code in the url. 

I would like to implement redirecting to the translations main page if the translation of a content is missing.

For example

"Redirects to external URLs are not allowed by default" when delete node

Hello, in order to have the locale prefix at the beginning of the url instead of the end of the url, i have set in "admin/config/regional/language/detection/url" the part of the url that determines language by domain.
english: en.mysite.localhost
francais: fr.mysite.localhost
But when I try to delete a node: en.mysite.localhost/node/7/delete
I have an issue and the current error: “Redirects to external URLs are not allowed by default, use \Drupal\Core\Routing\TrustedRedirectResponse for it.”
Someone knows how to work around the problem?

Can't translate content from my language to English

I have a live site running with default language English and I have created all my content in Czech, but when i try to add the English translation it always moves me back to czech. I have some english pages already created when site wasn't live, but when i try to edit it, it moves me to czech again. The english content isn't even displayed when i switch the language of the site to english. It's my first time creating website with drupal so I don't have much experience. Can someone please help me?

Strings wrapped in t() do not show up in Translate GUI

I have a custom module. It contains a hook_form_alter() that have some strings wrapped in t(). Example:

$form['some_text'] = [
  '#markup' => t('Some text'),

After enabling the module, the altered strings show up on the site.

Body field not an option for translations

When I configure the Regional and Language settings for content, the body field is not available to be selected for any content type.  All the other content fields seems to be available, though.  Because of this the body of content is not translatable.  Am I missing something in the configuration or setup?


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