This forum is for questions about translating the Drupal user interface. See also the Translations group.

How to recycle old translation from 4.6 to 4.7.1

Building a site using Drupal 4.7.1 with Locale and Internationalization modules enabled. Using Mac OS10.4 and Terminal application to enter command lines.

I tried to insert strings from old 4.6 lv.po file to new 4.7 po files. I read about recycling old translations here:

but ran into a snag with the command line. Here is what I did based on instructions from above link:

i18n for dummies

OK, I'm new to Drupal you see...
I'm trying to create a multilingual site using the i18n module.
I downloaded the module and both finnish and swedish languages. I set up Swedish as the primary and finnish as the secondary language. When I go to the site it's in Swedish now -so far so good.

I can see the languages are enabled like so in the URL (example):
?q=sv/admin -displays the site interface in swedish
?q=fi/admin -displays the site interface in finnish

How to allow visitors to select language?

Drupal enables registered users to select an interface language in account settings. Is it possible to enable unregistered site visitors to select a language also?

Persian/Farsi and English on one page?

I'm building a site that will have to have Persian/Farsi and English on the same page, and accept either/or for new nodes. Will the i18n module handle this? I'm concerned about being able to switch between RTL and LTR in form boxes, in particular. Does anyone have experience with this? Are there examples of Drupal sites that work like this?

thanks for your help!

Managing Translations of Custom Modules

Say a have a custom module called foo.module. I run extractor.php on it to get a POT file. I create a PO file from it containing the translations and I upload this PO file using the admin/locale/language/import page.

As time passes, foo.module changes: some strings inside the t() function calls get changed, others get deleted and yet others are moved around.

I'm guessing I'll have to run extractor.php again, translate the whole thing again (ugh!), make the PO file and upload it again.

extractor.php issue


When I run "php extractor.php *.php" under Windows (BigApach, PHP 4.3.6) I receive the following error " Undefined index: argv in D:\src\htdocs\sk\translation\extractor.php on line 21"

line 21 is: $argv = $GLOBALS['argv'];

and of course, I'm receiving an error in the next line array_shift($argv) saying that $argv is not an array.

Looks like $GLOBALS['argv'] is not defined.

What can be the problem ?


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