Drupal is up and running but how do I ...?

can't login: "Access Denied" for all minus user/1

Howdy All;

A quick question. Those who I've created accounts for are getting the dreaded "Access Denied" . I've added them to the same permissions role as myself, and have gone through the permissions page 3 times, but to no avail. Fishing for suggestions; anyone else have this problem? Please help; thanks!


set discard logs to never

I like knowing what people are doing on my site. :) They never tell me if something goes wrong, so page not found errors, searches, etc, are really useful for me.

How do I set discard logs to never? I know for some this can be a bad idea, but still. :) I have a low usage site.


How to list the last 60 days most commented nodes?

Hi all,

I´m trying to find a module or snippet that lists the top commented nodes in the last 60 days, but I didn´t found anything. Anyone knows of something similar?

And someone could explain me what´s the difference in popular recent content, and popular all time? The recent version shows me node more than a year old.

Thanks in advance, Simon.

RSS in Drupal

I am trying set up a RSS feed but it doesn't seem to work. Do I need another module besides aggregator to have my own feed?

If not how do I set it up? I tried /node/feed but it just redirects me back to the home page. I doesnt open up the xml file like other sites usually do. Can anyone enlighten me about how to get RSS up and running on my site?


webform in a block?

I'm curious if anyone has tried putting a (small) webform from the webform module in a block? Would this work? Can I create a custom block and just call node_load/node_view for the webform, or do I need ot do something else to make it work? Any ideas appreciated.

How to trash the original image file

I'm using 4.7 and have photo galleries located here http://stlphotoblogs.com/gallery

What I would like to do is, after a user submits a photo, for the original sized photo to be deleted from the server. Is that possible? A setting I'm missing in the image gallery module? I know I can hide the ability for users to view the original size photo, but I'd like to have it removed all together to save server space.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, I'm lost!


Subscribe with RSS Subscribe to RSS - Post installation