This forum is for questions about upgrading an existing Drupal site. Don't forget to read the UPGRADE.txt file that comes with every Drupal download.

menus module broken

Since I upgraded to 4.4.1, when I click on administer->menus, I get the following error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pager_display() in /home/modules/menus.module on line 1047

and when I click on configuration->modules->menus I get the following error:

Update of Profile Module

I wonder whether someone would help by giving me some detailed instruction as to:

  • how to update the profile modules only to a newer version; The version I am currently using is: $Id: profile.module,v 2004/03/24 05:59:53 dries Exp $. Which new version works?
  • how to include the country listing in the profile - country list

I am currently using Drupal 4.41 release.
Thanks very much.

user error: Unknown column 'n.sticky' in 'order clause' query:

I just upgraded from Drupal 4.3.2 to 4.4.1, and almost everything is working except for filestore2/fscache. I downloaded the lastest versions of those modules from cvs, and I can upload new files, but whenever I click on the "Files" tab at the top of the page, I get the following error:

user error: Unknown column 'n.sticky' in 'order clause' query: SELECT n.nid, n.type FROM node n JOIN filestore2 f WHERE n.status = '1' AND n.nid = f.nid ORDER BY n.sticky DESC, n.created DESC LIMIT 0, 10 in /home/httpd/html/drupal/includes/ on line 97.

Drupal upgrade from 4.3.2 to 4.4.1 by means of Debian apt-get upgrade

I run a Debian system and update it using apt-get upgrade. This time around it wanted to upgrade Drupal from 4.3.2 to 4.4.1. So I thought that I'd let it and see what happned. Actually, it did pretty well. Congrats to the package maintainer. Here are the problems that I found and the fixes. There may be others problems lurking around, and I'll update this article if I find some and I have the time.

Anonymous comments broken...

I recently upgraded my Drupal site from 4.1 to 4.3.2 (yes I know it's out of date, it's the one in Debian testing).

I have configured it to allow anonymous users comment posting without approval. Anonymous comments, however, don't seem to be working, while comments from logged-in users are. As an anonymous user, you can preview your comment, and it looks fine, but when you post the comment, when you return to the front page, the comments count for that story has increased by one, but the comment isn't there!

4.3.2 -> 4.4.1 aggregator problems (nonexistent fields in table "feed")

I have upgraded a 4.3.2 installation to 4.4.1 ; upgrade went relatively smoothly. However, about in 24 hours after the upgrade, I started getting messages from the cron execution, like this:

user error: Unknown column 'timestamp' in 'where clause'
query: SELECT * FROM feed WHERE timestamp + refresh < 1085378403 in /home/mbravo/www/ on line 97.

When I checked the sources to aggregator.module and compared them with my database structure, sure enough, there were differences. There were no fields like timestamp, or author in the "feed" table. I checked database/mysql sources, and there were no such fields in that table either. At the same time, the feeds I have defined for syndication seem to be updating.

What am I missing with this error, and how do I fix it correctly?

Thank you ever so much for useful advice.



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