This forum is for questions about upgrading an existing Drupal site. Don't forget to read the UPGRADE.txt file that comes with every Drupal download.

upgrading from 4.3 to 4.4

i used fantistico to install drupal, but its version 4.3. i'd like to upgrade to verson 4.4 or above so i can use the templates or php templates instead. how do i do it without losing all my sites info?

Taxonomy descriptions

I just upgraded to 4.4.2, and it appears that Drupal now displays the taxonomy description (if present) in every node containing the taxonomy term. Given that I've been using pretty substantial taxonomy descriptions in conjunction with taxonomy_context, to produce category pages with a thorough introduction followed by the first few nodes of the taxonomy, the result is extremely ugly.

Why was this behavior implemented? How do I get rid of it?

For now, I've copied the 4.4.1 taxonomy.module into my 4.4.2 tree and things seem to behave the way I want.


access denied when creating a new comment

upgraded from 4.4.2 to cvs so i could have the ability for anon users to post email and url when creating a comment. problem is that now only the admin can make a comment. when i try as anon or a authenticated user i get an error

"Access denied
You are not authorized to access this page."

any ideas?


upgrade 4.4.1 to 4.4.2: user error: Unknown column "timestamp" in "field list"

I tried to upgrade from 4.4.1 to 4.4.2.
I followed the upgrade instructions and ran upgrade.php
My computer crashed (unrelated problem) and I then went to my site and all seemed well until I tried to login and received this error:
user error: Unknown column 'timestamp' in 'field list' query: UPDATE users
SET timestamp = '1088967990' WHERE uid = '1' in
/public_html/includes/ on line 97.
warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output
started at /public_html/includes/ in

cron problems on aggregate


Today I upgraded my site to 4.4.2 from 4.3 and there are still some cron errors left. When I start a croin I get:

warning: xml_parser_create: unsupported source encoding "windows-1252" in /var/www/html/myblog/includes/ on line 1215.
warning: xml_parser_set_option(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /var/www/html/myblog/includes/ on line 1216.
warning: xml_set_element_handler(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /var/www/html/myblog/modules/aggregator.module on line 360.
warning: xml_set_character_data_handler(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /var/www/html/myblog/modules/aggregator.module on line 361.
warning: xml_parse(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /var/www/html/myblog/modules/aggregator.module on line 363.
warning: xml_get_error_code(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /var/www/html/myblog/modules/aggregator.module on line 364.
warning: xml_get_current_line_number(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /var/www/html/myblog/modules/aggregator.module on line 364.

[root@kjell modules]#

(note, started from the cli, but same from browser)

Anyone an idea? Did I leave some old files?

import.module upgrade broke db

I upgraded my import module to 4.4.0 because it was causing problems, but step 2 of the install instructions messed up my database badly. Now my site gets these errors on every page:

user error: Unknown column 'fid' in 'where clause'
query: SELECT * FROM feed WHERE fid = 7 in /home/peacecds/grassroots_html/includes/ on line 97.
user error: Unknown column 'fid' in 'where clause'
query: SELECT * FROM item WHERE fid = 0 ORDER BY timestamp DESC, iid DESC LIMIT 0, 15 in /home/peacecds/grassroots_html/includes/ on line 97.
user error: Unknown column 'fid' in 'where clause'
query: SELECT * FROM feed WHERE fid = 4 in /home/peacecds/grassroots_html/includes/ on line 97.
user error: Unknown column 'fid' in 'where clause'
query: SELECT * FROM item WHERE fid = 0 ORDER BY timestamp DESC, iid DESC LIMIT 0, 15 in /home/peacecds/grassroots_html/includes/ on line 97.

Clearly, the item table is missing a fid column. I presume this isn't fixable by just insert the fid column to the table. Any ideas *how* to fix it?

Thanks a lot! :)



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