This forum is for questions about upgrading an existing Drupal site. Don't forget to read the UPGRADE.txt file that comes with every Drupal download.

Which themes should I use to maintain compatibility with 4.5? Can I use Gworks?

I'm working away on building a new site (very slowly due to lack of time) using Drupal 4.4.0 and the Gworks theme, with one or two minor modifications of my own. I would like to be able to upgrade to 4.5 when it comes out along with all the modules that I plan to use.
Looking at the upcoming plans for 4.5.0, my understanding is that the theme system will be completely re-written, and I therefore have two questions:

1) Will Gworks theme continue to work in 4.5 or will it have to be completely rewritten (and if it is rewritten how long is this like to take?)

No "blog it" link in aggregator?

I hope this is a bug.
I can't find a "blog it" link in the aggregator.
You didn't remove it did you?
I MUST have that functionality.


import is now aggregator, but...

I upgraded Langemarks Cafe from 4.3 to CVS.

"import" is now "aggregator", but how do I tell all the people who set up their aggregators to change the path of their engine?
I tried to change the general url, but it does not work.
Will I just have to sit down and watch all the errors?

Upgr. 4.3 -> CVS -> Fatal error: Table 'langemark2.users_roles' doesn't exist

I'm working on an upgrade for my troubled langemarks cafe. It runs on 4.3 code,and I'm testing an upgrade on my windoze machine. I have added a couple of changes to the db as stated in upgrade script, but when I try to upgrade the db via the link in the update.php script, I get the following error:

Fatal error: Table 'langemark2.users_roles' doesn't exist query: SELECT r.rid, FROM role r INNER JOIN users_roles ur ON ur.rid = r.rid WHERE ur.uid = 1 in C:\FoxServ\www\drupal431\includes\ on line 125

Upgrade to CVS Head from CVS one month back Fatal error: locales_source' doesn't exist query: SELECT s.lid, t.translati

TableFatal error: 'nashnews_wbst1.locales_source' doesn't exist query: SELECT s.lid, t.translation FROM locales_source s INNER JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid = t.lid WHERE s.source = '%error: %message in %file on line %line.' AND t.locale = '' in /home/nashnews/public_html/dpback/includes/ on line 125

"Page Not found" after upgrade


I upgraded to 4.4. If i not logged in, everything is ok. If i login, the left and right column not generated, after the top i see "Page Not Found".
Please help!



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