This forum is for less technical discussions about the Drupal project, not for support questions.

Edit t() text but not into another language (e.g. 'add new comment' -> 'post reply')

I want to change various bits of wording around my drupal website. For example, 'add new comment' should read 'post reply'. Is the only/suggested way to do this to create new pot files and hence create a new 'language'?

Comments per page, links should go to correct page

When you select a certain number of 'comments per page', the links to those comments in the blocks or even when someone writes a new comment don't go to where you'd expect them to go - that is, to that comment. In other words, the links go to the node home page at comment #x but the comment doesn't appear on that page because the #x is higher than the number per page.

e.g. a link may go to:

whilst it should instead go to e.g.:

Looking for a discussion mailing list provider.

I have a discussion mailing list with 3,000 subscribers. Traffic can run from 50 to 100+ messages a day and there are no attachments.

The hosting company I currently have say their servers cannot handle such a load.

Does anyone have an idea of a good company that could host this? Any other ideas?

Transfer data from the frontpage to the register page.

Has any tried to transfer data from the frontpage to the register page? I tried to use a form to post some data from "node" to "user/register" without success. (Sorry that I am not able to post some code here because I always get "Terminated request because of suspicious input data").


Drupal Advocates and SpreadFirefox

Just a little suggestion. There is quite a lot of bad press out there over the spreadfirefox break-in. If, while surfing, you find someone spreading wrong information about drupal (how easy it is to break in... etc.. etc..), step in and set the record straight.

Whats all thed Hype?! just another buggy CMS.

I was looking forward to giving Drupal a try from all the hype that I've read slites like slashdot and such about it superiority. its been 2 hours... First Impressions:
after creating my first user I was immediately directed to http://myhostname/?q=node/etc/etc instead of http://myhostname/[b]drupal/[/b]?q=node/etc/etc. I made a small change to /drupal/.htaccess which (I thought) Would fix this, and seemed to for a short time.
So I Went to the admin section... I had to delete the amazon_items, and marksmarty modules AND Create a database (which I had to guess the proper structure of!!!) or else the module-install screen would just display errors. did that and proceeded with installing the new modules and I was again redirected to the main documentroot of my site instead of /drupal/... when I went to /drupal/ there were several mysql errors reported at the top of the page.

user error: Table 'drupal.attachment' doesn't exist
query: SELECT aid, title, description, fid, filename, size, hidden FROM attachment WHERE nid = 0 in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/drupal/includes/ on line 66.

user error: Table 'drupal.flexinode_type' doesn't exist
query: SELECT * FROM flexinode_type in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/drupal/includes/ on line 66.

not to sound trollish, but I'm thoroughly unimpressed and truly confused as to where all the hype about drupal came from. I could invest the time to try to fix these, but what about the strange url rewriting problem? and who's to say I'm not going to encounter a million more problems when trying to get any further with the install.


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