This forum is for less technical discussions about the Drupal project, not for support questions.

fatal error in drupal 4.6.2

I got this error :

Fatal error: Duplicate entry '51ee819260cf131afdd5066562426739' for key 1 query: INSERT INTO sessions (sid, uid, hostname, timestamp) VALUES ('51ee819260cf131afdd5066562426739', 0, '', 1122637762).

This happened after I tried to save my account settings (as admin with uid '1'). The only change I made was choose 'spanish' as my language.

User's see own blog at login?

Hi--I was wondering if it is possible for a drupal site to be set up so that the site has the traditional "node" page on display for an anonymous user but that, upon login, each user gets taken immediately to a display of his or her blog? In other words, I'd like individual blogs to be each user's first displayed page on login. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks--Angelo

Is Drupal right for me?

Hello All,

I am looking for a Community-style Content Management System to use as the platform for my personal web page.

I used to have a traditional hand-coded html web page I updated irregularly for a few years. However, I could not give the link out to many people because there were pages in there that I did not want teachers, family or potential employers to see. I ended up taking it down. After a while, I started a livejournal. That seemed to work for a while, and it was a fun experience but eventually I ran into the same problem - nearly all of my entries were locked to friends-only, and there was nothing left for my adoring public to see.

What I am looking for is a software platform that will give allow me the flexibility I need to have the home page I've always wanted. The CMS I am looking for needs individual user accounts and a variety of security levels or user groups to sort them all out. Some of my entries and content will be open to the public for the entire world to see. For everything else - sections devoted to my personal life, my lovelife, my secret life as an undercover CIA operative posing as a pagan cult leader - only users in a certain usergroup or of a certain security level will have access to those sections. So, a user logging in as a colleague could see my resume, but NOT my balloon fetish page.

There should be some sort of blogging tool in it, maybe an announcement or news section I could plop down in the middle of the front page where I could updates and what not.

Developing a government website in Drupal

I just wanted to share my efforts to produce a local government website with Drupal. The following link brings you to the site, still in development:

[edit: live version: ]

I thought this might be a good thread to discuss not only what I've tried to put together (feedback is appreciated), but also what else can be done to create a solid government website with Drupal. I think corporate sites and government sites might have a lot in common, as they are both hierarchal organizations that often require very structured sites. So this thread might not deviate greatly from some of the existing discussions about corporate sites.

I've hacked together the spread firefox and lincoln's revenge themes to produce a semi-custom look (thank you factoryjoe). I've used tables to kill whitespace issues with my theme. How important is originality and modifications of the stock theme in this case? Have I done enough to differentiate my theme from the stock themes everyone can download (a good question, I think)?

I'm using the following modules (in addition to many core modules): attachment (for the darn title feature!-- why isn't this a part of the core upload module?), article, copyright, custom error, event, excerpt, feedback, filebrowser (not the officially released module-- but a taxonomy file browser), filemanager, filestore2, flexinode, fscache, image, img_assist, layout (not an officially released module-- and currently not utilizing its features--soon for the front page), nodelist, nodeperm_role, pathauto, poormanscron, relativity, taxonomy_context, taxonomy_dhtml (for my sitemap), tinymce, webform, workspace, and the weather module (deburka's updated version). This seems like a lot, but all of these seem somewhat necessary, if not convenient for what I needed to accomplish. Is there anything in this list that is placing a burden on page loads? Security? Etc. I'm not sure.

{files} list field

I notice that the {files} table has a 'list' field. What can this field be used for?


Module idea: Email newsletter / category subscription

I was reading the description of the Email newsletter module and it almost does what I need it to do but not quite so I figured maybe someone could create a new module that can do this:

All users are able to "subscribe" to categories and receive an email newsletter with the headline and the teaser for all nodes posted in that category with links to the nodes. The user should be able to select which categories they wish to receive in the newsletter and whether they want to receive it daily, weekly or monthly.


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