D7 page content & MySQL

I am so utterly lost. I have Drupal 7 installed but I have never used it before. I have a book (useless). How do I create a page with information from a MySQL database? I am searching the forums...the documentation...the web. I cannot locate the answer. I would imagine the problem is the language barrier - being new to this.

Redirect.php - embedding user id in a link

I'm trying to make a menu link which redirects to www.myweb.com/user/[userid]/imce
Unfortunately, I can't use tokens in the link path so I want to have a menu link to a file called redirect.php in the root folder of drupal. It contains:

Where can find DB Schema for Drupal Core

I am a database developer (i.e. my primary programming language is SQL). I find it mush easier to understand an application (or framework) by looking at its database schema than by reading prose or program code.

Where can I find the database schema for Drupal core or is there a tool that will display/print the schema from MySQL?


CCK and Drupal 7

Is CCK still needed since Drupal 7 has these features already?

Drupal 7 Pagination of single node

Does D7 or a module compatible with D7 have the ability to paginate a single node? I have several pages that are VERY long and I'd like to break them up into multiple pages (by inserting page breaks into the body or something similar). I have found a Pagination module, but it doesn't seem to be compatible with Drupal 7.

Anyone have some advice for this?

How can I add specific class to a Form children

Ok.. this is the issue, I want to change the login form of my site
for that I use:


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