Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This suite of modules was written to calculate and display the results of camera club competitions. Although it is written to support a particular set of rules and conventions it is fairly flexible.

There are a number of concepts which you have to understand in order to make effective use of this suite of modules.

  • A season is a club season. It has a name, start date and end date. You have to create at least one of these.
  • A competition type is a class of competition. You have to create at least one of these.
  • An entry type is what is entered into the competition. You have to create at least one of these.
  • The heart of the system is the cumulative competition. Each competition series or even a single competition needs one of these.
  • A competition is an actual competitive event.
  • A super competition aggregates a number of cumulative competitions. This content type is optional.
  • The compindex module shows a list of super and cumulative competitions for a given year.

Competitions should be scored out of twenty for the highlighting of 20s, 19s and 18s to work.

For this module to work well every entrant must be a Drupal user. Also the profile module must be enabled with the following profile fields defined:

  • A code number for the user. The field name must be profile_codenumber, the title must be 'Code Number'. The uploaded result data will contain this number.
  • A first name. The field name must be profile_firstname, the title must be 'First Name'.
  • A surname. The field name must be profile_surname, the title must be 'Surname'.

This module constructs the user's name from the profile_firstname and profile_surname fields. If it is unable to find a user in the Drupal user data it uses the name given in the upload.

Project information

  • Created by MartinTomes on , updated