Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

The Election Livestats module extends the Election module to provide live voting statistics in ongoing elections delivered via websockets from a Node.js server.


  • Exposes a page of live-updating graphs for your election statistics.
  • Extendible system of metrics, allowing any statistic necessary to be tracked through.
  • Redis-cached running totals for extremely fast reading and writing.
  • Voter eligibility integration for calculation of the total electorate, using the conditions you've already written for your election posts.


Contributions are accepted here in the form of patches, or on Github as pull requests.


Election Livestats was developed by Sam Gaus at UCLU, the students' union for University College London. This module is used for UCLU's elections.

Thanks to Patrick Dawkins and Stephan Dale.

Project information

  • Created by gausie on , updated