Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Provides integration with the Leaflet library using Mapping module.

For users

  • Maps, layers, sytles and behaviors are exportable by Ctools.
  • All configuration is done and saved outside of Views.
  • Compatible with Features module

For developers

  • Easy to define maps via hooks - maps can live in code, and even though they still can be customized via UI
  • Create plugins using Ctools
  • Does not depend of geofield - data can be get from geofield or any other source
  • Uses Libraries module for adding Leaflet library.

How Mapping Leaflet module is different than Leaflet module

Mapping Leaflet uses Ctools to allow easy creation of plugins, fully compatible with Features module, does not depend on Entity API, nor geofield. Moreover, having all configuration not saved on Views make the maps and its configurations reusable in other places. It is also ideal for creating new reusable extensions.

The goal is to get it fully compatible with reading results from many different data sources, not only fields. I've decided to write it when I realized the original Leaflet module would be too difficult to make changes to allow it.

Using Mapping module allows other modules that makes integration with different map libraries to connect using its framework. It is still easy to use, yet working on steroids.


Optional modules for integration

Project information

  • Created by Mac_Weber on , updated