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This is no longer maintained. If anybody wants the namespace or wants to take over the module... please contact me.

This module aims to integrate all profile nodes in a neat and usable way allowing user permissions on all types associated with the user.


If you use the Node Profile module, which allows you to tag any node types (usually CCK's) as profile nodes. You can also use Usernode and Node Family, however I never really found a neat way that tied the profile node's togther.

After chatting to dfletcher on IRC about this, he showed me some code he was using for a site he was working on. I based this module on that code and extended it further.

This module will take into account access rights to the node types - for example, you can create 2 CCK node types and tag them as profiles. You could then make 1 of them accessible by the authenticated user so they could provide details which you'd like them to maintain - like a normal profile. You could then setup the other node to be "private" so only a set of admins could use it. Useful for keeping notes on users or mayeb storing information about how they came to your site - eg if they were created during part of a marketting campaign? The combination of CCK, Node Profile and this module opens up the data you can associate with a user

This module also provides a central location for modifying the data. Simple go to members (eg and the module automatically forwards you to the correct "user id" page (eg members/1234). It then shows you a set of "local tasks" in the form of tabs for each of the CCK types you have associates with this user (and have permission to edit).

The profile module can do most of this - however I found that if you create a load of hidden fields in their own category - that category is still visible with no fields inside it, just a submit button. This module checks for permission on node types before displaying the tab for them. If they dont have permission, that item isn't even created during the menu _hook - so if a user tries to browse to it directly they get a page not found.

Project information
