Scheduler field widget

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The scheduler field module add a scheduler field type. Scheduler field type allow to configure some schedules actions to fieldable entities.

The different schedules actions are defined as plugin. By default, two plugins are available, but you can add your own :

  • scheduler_field_type_disabled : This plugin does not provide schedule features, used by default to not have scheduled actions.
  • scheduler_field_type_publication : This plugin change status of entities to publish/unpublish entity changing 'status' property.

Thanks to this plugins, you could add your own plugin to :

  • Change a moderation/workflow state
  • Change field values
  • Send e-mails
  • Do whathever you want

Cron is used and has to be called to execute scheduled actions.

The scheduled field module store every informations on field table, not entities.

How to use ?

  1. Enable the module
  2. Go to your entity field settings page and add a new Schedule field type
  3. Configure the field type (name, default values etc)
  4. Create/edit the entity, your new schedule field type is available, and you can define your schedule type action (disabled or publication by default), start date and end date (optional)
  5. Save entity
  6. Next time the cron will run, if action has to be executed depending of your field settings (type and dates), scheduled action will be made.


This is module is not compatible with content_moderation. I does not allow to schedule actions after revisions transitions or based on revisions changes. Take a look at for further informations.


All of the alternatives modules are based on custom entities, some of them applies only on nodes, or are not expandable.

The aim of Scheduler field module is to not use custom entity, but to store schedule data in field table, as closed as the entity as possible. Thanks to that, getting scheduled information is much more easier for import, export, migrate, views, querying etc.
The second goal is to be fully expandable. We cannot provide all the functionnalities YOU need to schedule, but thanks to plugins, you can easily make your own.

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