
This module provides a workflow to get a preview of your entity on your non-drupal front end.

When you are in Drupal decoupled, it is impossible to get a preview of what you are editing or creating. And of course you don't want to save your entity after viewing it.

This module helps you to get this feature into front end by giving you the same graphql results that you already used for your normal page.

Also you don't need to develop again an entire front page for the preview, just one little part of code.


Provide a workflow preview to front without saving entity.
Get back the unsaved forms data when user get back on Drupal.


-graphql (3.0-rc3)


Read the documentation


- PHP unit test
- Documentation
- Remove cache bin ? set all in temp store?
- optimize cache and performances

Sub module

(since beta-3)

Preview graphql JWT

This module has been created only to get compability with the first workflow version.
But you can use it too if you don't want url parameters data, only JWT token.
It's not a requirement for preview graphql to enable preview graphql jwt if you got graphql and JWT enable. : just add carrier JWT token.


-graphql (3.0-rc3)
-graphql JWT (@see https://www.drupal.org/project/graphql_jwt/issues/3053823)

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
