I'm using mediabrowser and views to create a playlist and an attached player. I then use an argument on the playlist to only list nodes with a certain node title.

If I don't put an argument on the attached player, the player loads fine but shows the wrong node. If I specify the same argument for the player as for the playlist, the player doesn't show up at first load of the page but when clicking the links in the playlist it reloads fine.

When clicking on the links in the playlist the page reloads and the player loads fine but when I go to another page with the same view but with different argument, the player shows the old node while the playlist shows the right content.

The arguments are set to use a custom php argument that returns arg(1) if none is present, I've tried setting this to hard code the values for my arguments as well but it hasn't worked. If the arguments are set to show all values if argument isn't present, I get the first node back and it displays in the player.

It seems to me there is a conlflict with the arguments being passed on initial page load and the media browser arguments I assume it uses to set everything up.

Any ideas on what could be conflicting when using extra arguments to control content?


span’s picture


After doing some more experimenting it seems the attachment doesn't load the node at all since neither the title, player nor the image that is supposed to be displayed together show up.

Could this perhaps be because the arguments being passed to the player to load the right content needs to be that whole url that can be seen when hovering one of the playlist links and not just the node title as I'm trying to do atm...hmm.