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JSON:API reference provides a field type Typed Resource Object, that is similar to an entity reference field. However, rather than refer to an entity on the same Drupal installation, this refers to a resource object exposed via JSON:API.

For example - if you are syndicating content from one system to another, you may want to create a typed resource object field on the user entity type on the source system, which refers to the corresponding user on the destination system.

You then may want to add a typed resource object field to the content types from which you are syndicating on the source system so that you can record the relationship to the newly created content in the future.

The module provides an autocomplete widget that looks up resources in the remote system as you type and suggests . Because different types of resource object will autocomplete by comparing the user input against a different attribute, the attribute against which autocompletion takes place is configured in the widget.

Check out a demo at

Caveats & Assumptions

  • The module assumes that all fields come from the same remote system
  • The module assumes that authentication is done by basic authentication on the remote system
  • The module has not been tested against non-Drupal remote systems, this probably wouldn't work
  • The module does not provide and Field Formatters so currently displays the GUID of the resource object as text


The 2.0.x branch is recommended but requires PHP 8.1. New features will be added to this branch. The 8.x-1.0 branch is only for those who are not yet using PHP 8.1.

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