Displaying 17701 - 17750 of 21126
Title Status Priority Category Version Component Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
variable_set() and variable_get() on same request gives wrong value for variables overridden in settings.php Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev base system 1 8 years 7 months 8 years 7 months
Default validate/submit handlers not added if any form-level validate/submit handlers added in hook_field_attach_form() Needs work Major Bug report 7.x-dev forms system 31 8 years 7 months 12 years 7 months
Improve the type checking of \Drupal\Core\TypedData\Plugin\DataType\Language Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev typed data system 29 8 years 7 months 9 years 10 months
Use starting slash in :: makeSubrequest AliasWhitelist and PathValidator Active Major Task 11.x-dev request processing system 16 8 years 7 months 8 years 10 months
Explicitly test ::getCacheTag() and ::getListCacheTags() in EntityUnitTest Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev entity system 14 8 years 7 months 9 years 7 months
Field type (item) classes implementing AllowedValuesInterface::getPossible(Values|Options)() is incompatible with Views and possibly other use cases Active Major Task 11.x-dev field system 19 8 years 7 months 9 years 9 months
admin/structure/block vs. admin/structure/block/manage/%project/%block_name/configure for enabling/placing block Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev block.module 2 8 years 7 months 8 years 7 months
Not able to save nodes with empty files as images. Needs review Normal Bug report 7.x-dev image system 15 8 years 7 months 10 years 11 months
Convert views hooks to events Postponed Major Task 11.x-dev views.module 30 8 years 7 months 10 years 6 days
Create schema for non-config YAML files? Active Major Task 11.x-dev base system 16 8 years 7 months 9 years 10 months
Allow to pass save options to ImageInterface::save Needs work Major Task 11.x-dev image system 53 8 years 7 months 10 years 3 months
Support #attributes for all renderable elements Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev forms system 15 8 years 7 months 8 years 7 months
Use separate config schema cache items Active Major Task 11.x-dev configuration system 15 8 years 7 months 10 years 3 months
Rename $format and $name to $id and $label in FilterFormat (per @todo) Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev filter.module 68 8 years 7 months 8 years 8 months
Locked out of /admin/config after update Active Normal Support request 7.x-dev configuration system 6 8 years 7 months 8 years 7 months
Decode entities when determining which button was clicked Needs review Major Bug report 7.x-dev other 1 8 years 7 months 8 years 7 months
testing only: check for double escaping places Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev base system 18 8 years 7 months 8 years 7 months
Split CommentManager in two Active Normal Task 11.x-dev comment.module 17 8 years 7 months 8 years 8 months
Allow custom logos and favicons even without file module Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 20 8 years 7 months 9 years 11 months
Allow opt-out of SET NAMES utf8 for MySQL driver Active Major Task 11.x-dev mysql db driver 14 8 years 7 months 8 years 7 months
Dynamic permissions cannot be automatically assigned to or removed from roles Needs work Normal Bug report 7.x-dev user system 113 1 year 2 weeks 14 years 1 day
Move the field storage deletion if the last field has been removed to the UI layer Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev field system 34 8 years 7 months Berdir 9 years 2 months
Can't find where message--status class is added Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev system.module 18 8 years 7 months 8 years 9 months
Force site builders to make only valid choices when configuring entity default language with translation enabled Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev content_translation.module 88 8 years 7 months 11 years 5 months
filter_format_load doesn't seem to populate $format->filters - bug or feature? Needs review Normal Feature request 7.x-dev filter.module 13 8 years 7 months 12 years 6 months
Database::openConnection default $key Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev database system 15 8 years 7 months 8 years 7 months
Figure out whether we need a dedicated output strategy for select elements Active Major Task 11.x-dev base system 14 8 years 7 months 8 years 7 months
Clean up system.module.css Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev system.module 41 8 years 7 months 11 years 10 months
Session manager (and others) should not initialize database connection if no query needs to be run Active Major Task 11.x-dev base system 15 8 years 7 months 9 years 2 months
How to output details with uploaded file? Active Normal Support request 7.x-dev field system 2 8 years 7 months 8 years 7 months
Dynamic permissions callbacks classes must implement an interface Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev user system 17 8 years 7 months 8 years 7 months
[meta] Consolidate all item list templates and add theme_hook_suggestions Active Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 35 8 years 7 months jenlampton 11 years 6 months
Update to 7.39 Failed Update Node Module #7006 and Taxonomy Module #7005 Active Major Bug report 7.x-dev taxonomy.module 4 8 years 7 months mampwamp2 8 years 8 months
AJAX functionality is broken if a form is rebuilt with errors from a submit handler Needs review Normal Bug report 7.x-dev forms system 2 8 years 7 months 8 years 7 months
Refactor certain inline module-exists checks in core components for readability Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev base system 34 8 years 7 months 8 years 11 months
Document service collector tags and the service_collector tag Postponed Major Task 11.x-dev documentation 61 8 years 7 months 9 years 3 months
Character encoding issues can break filter settings Needs review Major Bug report 7.x-dev filter.module 3 8 years 7 months 9 years 5 months
Remove isAvailable() from ImageToolkitInterface Active Normal Task 11.x-dev image system 53 8 years 7 months 10 years 6 months
PoDatabaseWriter needs Options set before Header Active Normal Task 11.x-dev language system 19 8 years 7 months 11 years 10 months
Dynamically update standard language list from localization server Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev language system 50 8 years 7 months 14 years 7 months
Extend tests for field hooks Active Normal Task 11.x-dev field system 15 8 years 7 months 10 years 7 months
Refactor FieldConfigEntityUnitTest to make it resilient to changes Active Normal Task 11.x-dev field system 15 8 years 7 months 9 years 4 months
Consider moving the language list/replacements out of Views' PluginBase Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev views.module 16 8 years 7 months 9 years 2 months
Cache FileCache data in a FileCacheCollector Active Normal Task 11.x-dev cache system 16 8 years 7 months 9 years 1 month
How to deal with invalid placeholders? Active Normal Task 11.x-dev database system 17 8 years 7 months 15 years 9 hours
Add a proxy variant of the renderer Active Normal Task 11.x-dev render system 14 8 years 7 months 8 years 7 months
Improve Twig's handling of exceptions Active Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 14 8 years 7 months 8 years 10 months
[PP-1] Require that AttachmentsInterface implementations have all attachment types present by default Active Normal Task 11.x-dev render system 14 8 years 7 months 8 years 10 months
Extend Update Manager tests to handle installing/updating themes in addition to modules Active Normal Task 11.x-dev update.module 15 8 years 7 months 8 years 8 months
Better error handling with invalid handlers in views Active Normal Task 11.x-dev views.module 16 8 years 7 months 8 years 10 months


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