Displaying 17601 - 17650 of 21202
Title Status Priority Category Version Component Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
Save configuration opens a new browser window Needs work Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 36 8 years 5 months 13 years 1 month
Provide a method for modules to specify PHP memory requirements Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev base system 16 8 years 5 months 13 years 5 months
Make dependency list hidden on modules page until requested Active Normal Feature request 7.x-dev base system 45 8 years 5 months 12 years 6 months
Messages disappear when session is destroyed before showing them Active Major Bug report 7.x-dev user system 4 8 years 5 months 8 years 6 months
format_xml_elements() element names are completely unsanitized Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev base system 7 8 years 5 months valthebald 15 years 1 month
Pager redundant "first" and "last" links. Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev base system 17 8 years 5 months 14 years 9 months
[meta] Remove global variables Active Normal Task 11.x-dev base system 21 8 years 5 months 11 years 3 weeks
Replace TranslationWrapper to a decorator based model Active Normal Task 11.x-dev base system 15 8 years 5 months 9 years 2 days
Create admin interface for managing Entities Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev entity system 19 8 years 5 months 11 years 1 month
Move base theme system templates into /core/templates Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 56 8 years 5 months 11 years 2 months
Apply 'box-sizing: border-box' globally. Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev CSS 95 8 years 5 months 10 years 5 months
Contextual edit link has incorrect destination when loaded within an ajax request. Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev ajax system 1 8 years 5 months 8 years 5 months
[Meta] Implement event listeners to validate imports Postponed Major Plan 11.x-dev configuration system 63 8 years 5 months 11 years 5 months
Bring SafeMarkup::format()/t() docs up to date with the final state of the sanitization API Active Major Task 11.x-dev base system 21 8 years 5 months 8 years 6 months
Cron lock time can be outrun by max execution time Needs work Major Bug report 7.x-dev cron system 25 8 years 5 months 10 years 2 months
[meta] See what else needs updating in Form/Render element docs Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev documentation 15 8 years 5 months 8 years 5 months
Apache 2.4.17 can break clean URL handling Active Major Bug report 7.x-dev bootstrap system 3 8 years 5 months 8 years 5 months
menu_link_save returns mlid even when the menu item is not saved Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev menu system 6 8 years 5 months 15 years 3 months
Auto-placeholdering for lazy-builders that don't have cache keys Active Major Task 11.x-dev render system 16 8 years 5 months 8 years 5 months
Clarify documentation around field_info_instance() and field_read_instance() Active Normal Task 7.x-dev documentation 6 8 years 5 months 10 years 8 months
Content fields magically being moved to field_deleted tables, killing nodes Active Normal Support request 7.x-dev field system 5 8 years 5 months 8 years 5 months
hook_block_configure not AHAH compatible Needs review Normal Bug report 7.x-dev block.module 29 8 years 5 months 14 years 3 months
Make behavior more consistent across widgets for required, single valued field with options Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev field system 14 8 years 5 months 8 years 5 months
variable_set() never clears the page cache Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev base system 2 8 years 5 months 8 years 6 months
'base hook' key in hook_theme() is limited in what it inherits from the base hook Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 28 8 years 5 months 9 years 4 weeks
Removing the theme system from update.php Active Normal Task 11.x-dev base system 15 8 years 5 months 8 years 5 months
UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols() and UrlHelper::filterBadProtocol() are confusing Active Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 21 8 years 5 months 8 years 7 months
Introduce #type elements for base theme hooks in toolbar.module Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 18 8 years 5 months 10 years 9 months
Introduce #type elements for base theme hooks in views.module Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 18 8 years 5 months 10 years 9 months
Introduce #type elements for base theme hooks in user.module Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 17 8 years 5 months 10 years 9 months
Introduce #type elements for base theme hooks in update.module Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 17 8 years 5 months 10 years 9 months
Introduce #type elements for base theme hooks in taxonomy.module Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 17 8 years 5 months 10 years 9 months
Introduce #type elements for base theme hooks in system.module Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 20 8 years 5 months 10 years 9 months
Introduce #type elements for base theme hooks in simpletest.module Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 17 8 years 5 months 10 years 9 months
Introduce #type elements for base theme hooks in search.module Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 17 8 years 5 months 10 years 9 months
Introduce #type elements for base theme hooks in rdf.module Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 17 8 years 5 months 10 years 9 months
Introduce #type elements for base theme hooks in picture.module Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 17 8 years 5 months 10 years 9 months
Introduce #type elements for base theme hooks in overlay.module Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 17 8 years 5 months 10 years 9 months
Introduce #type elements for base theme hooks in node.module Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 17 8 years 5 months 10 years 9 months
Introduce #type elements for base theme hooks in menu.module Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 17 8 years 5 months 10 years 9 months
Introduce #type elements for base theme hooks in locale.module Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 18 8 years 5 months 10 years 9 months
Introduce #type elements for base theme hooks in link.module Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 26 8 years 5 months 10 years 9 months
Introduce #type elements for base theme hooks in language.module Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 17 8 years 5 months 10 years 9 months
Introduce #type elements for base theme hooks in image.module Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 17 8 years 5 months 10 years 9 months
Introduce #type elements for base theme hooks in filter.module Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 17 8 years 5 months 10 years 9 months
Introduce #type elements for base theme hooks in file.module Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 17 8 years 5 months 10 years 10 months
Introduce #type elements for base theme hooks in field.module Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 22 8 years 5 months dmitrii 10 years 10 months
Introduce #type elements for base theme hooks in comment.module Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 17 8 years 5 months 10 years 10 months
Introduce #type 'ckeditor_settings_toolbar' Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 17 8 years 5 months 10 years 10 months
Introduce #type equivalents for each theme hook in book.module Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 19 8 years 5 months 10 years 10 months


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