This module is part of the Group module ecosystem. Group module is a very robust and powerful module for creating vertical silos of content to which users can be added with various roles.

When a User is added as Member to a Group, this module will ensure that they are assigned a site-wide Role of your choosing. When the user is removed from a group, and assuming they are no longer a member of any group, this module will, that role, taketh away.

Please note: Group module has very robust access control that can be configured per group type. You need to learn how to use this and understand it because 99% of time you will be doing access control based on "Insider" and "Outsider" roles and permissions.

So why use this module? This module provides site building utility. There are situations where you want to show/hide a block, or easily add information to the People administration that allows you to answer the question "Is this User a Member of any Group."

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