This is my first use of this module, and from looking over prior issues, it seems like it should be possible to have the connect button on the user login form. But I cannot see how this happens. I noticed code in the hook_form_alter() code of previous versions that adds the button.

I looked at the change history and see that these changes broke it:

commit 7c1d439e717d7219b4907796781be76775b5ad82
Author: Tim Plunkett <> 2011-10-21 04:31:39
Committer: Tim Plunkett <> 2011-10-21 04:31:39
Parent: 9b4ddf19b8f1223386dbb6d7e7c1c85570e3a8e2 (Issue #1169694 by danvuquoc, ifeelgood, acouch: Upgrade to PHP SDK ver 3.1.1.)
Branches: origin/7.x-2.x

Issue #1296370 by acouch, doka: Code Cleanup and Fixes.

I can get the button with my own module's form_alter() callback like so:

  if (($form_id == 'user_login_block' || $form_id == 'user_login') && fbconnect_get_config()) {
    $attr = array();
    if (variable_get('fbconnect_fast_reg', 0) && variable_get('fbconnect_reg_options', 0)) {
      $attr = array('perms' => 'email');
    $form['fbconnect_button'] = array(
      '#type' => 'item',
      '#description' => t('Sign in using Facebook'),
      '#markup' => fbconnect_render_button($attr),
      '#weight' => 1,
      '#id' => 'fbconnect_button',

Note: I had to change the form item attribute from #value to #markup to get it to render.

I don't know why fbconnect_form_alter() was changed to remove this code. Please help me understand.




smashtoe’s picture

Category: support » bug
jcisio’s picture

Status: Active » Fixed

I don't know why it was removed. My guess: there was a time when the login stopped function because of API change, thus it was removed.

I readded this code.

smashtoe’s picture

Status: Fixed » Active

Thanks, your change handles the form id for user_login_block, but not for the form id for user_login. It's still broken on the user login form.

jaykainthola’s picture

It should also include in user_login form.


jaykainthola’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Updated to include commit history info

  • jcisio committed 5e92cad on
    Bug #1439902 by smashtoe: Missing fbconnect button on user login page