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The Currency Converter module is a versatile tool for storing and converting currencies. It provides a predefined list of currencies that can be extended through the configuration page. The module updates exchange rates for all stored currencies either via cron or when a currency provider configuration is updated. It offers back-end developers a convenient service for converting prices.

Why Fixer API?

The module currently implements the Fixer API as the default currency provider. The Fixer API is a straightforward and user-friendly option, offering a free plan that is more than sufficient for development purposes. However, the module is designed to support other APIs in
the future, and contributions to add new providers are welcome.


  • Currencies overview page.
  • Cron update.
  • Fixer API integration.
  • Convenient service for developers.

Developers need to install the module and follow examples to use it in code. There's also a convenient example block.


Once the module is installed, go to to set up currencies. Delete the ones you don't need, add new ones (please set up currency ISO codes as ID for currencies. This will be streamlined in the future). After that, obtain a Fixer API key, provide it to the module and save the form. The currencies will be updated. If not, make sure to run a Cron job.

Ultimate Cron Job is recommended, though it's not critical for module to function. However, it is best to use it to be able to configure cron behavior.

Similar projects

The Currency module seem to provide similar functionality, though it does not seem to do the same. I need to research it to compare features.

Supporting this Module

Fell free to contact me on LinkedIn, open new issues, contribute to existing ones. And thanks for your attention!

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