The function below does not seem to work. As the output always returns only

in page view mode on a rendered node.
function theme_tabpage($element) {
  $output ='<div id="tabs-'. $element['#tabset_name'] .'-'. $element['#index'] .'">';
  $output .= '<h2 class="drupal-tabs-title">'. $element['#title'] .'</h2>';
  $output .= $element['#content'] . $element['#children'];
  $output .='</div>';
  return $output;

Looks like there is an attempt at theming by setting up #tabset_name but that method does not seem to work on CCK field tabsets. If you could give it a unique ID then it would be completely customizable and one would be able to over-ride the default drupal-tabs class stuff.


Cactii1’s picture

Oops... forgot to wrap that in code...

In page view mode on a rendered node the output always returns: div id="tabs-" class="drupal-tabs"

This doesn't allow positioning... width definition... border or margin definition... only the Drupal default.