As the module matures and gains momentum, what are the key API features and user-facing functionalities we want to see happen in the coming months?

I propose we start by generating ideas in this thread, and +1'ing others' ideas. We can then work these into a roadmap for the next 3-6 months.


squaretone’s picture

Can we look at defining Views, Models, Collections outside of behaviors? Right now, it seems like elements extending anything from Drupal.Backbone must be defined inside the "attach" method of a behavior. For example:

var MyView = Drupal.Backbone.View.extend({});

This means two things:

  1. It is difficult to create Views and such that are reusable across different scripts because we have to wait to define them until attach.
  2. We have to do additional development work to make sure that we are not re-creating our Views and such every time behaviors.attach gets called.
KarlShea’s picture

I ran into the same problem today. I'd rather not have all of my Backbone app code in one behavior attach function, and the only other option seems to be writing my own loader to initialize classes created in other files.