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This module aims at ajaxifying any content entity form (creation, edition and deletion).

It can be used for various use-cases adding a complete ajax wall, mass-submiting or creating / editing via AJAX...

Note that the AJAX comments module handles AJAXifying the comments in Drupal way better (but only comments) and can be used in conjuction with Ajax form entity (just do not activate ajaxification on comments).

--------------- Drupal 8 ----------------------

The port on Drupal 8 has begun and the basic functionnalities are there. Still some work to test and reimplement all D7 functionnalities... and more !

Included options and features :
- Can be enabled per entity per bundle.
- Reload the form or not for mass creation / single creation.
- Show the resulting entity above, under or replace the form. Or send it anywhere in the page in a special div.
- Activate and place ajax edit links in display modes.
- Edit in popin mode or inline.
- Confirmation message handling (show confirmation message or not).

Not ready in Drupal 8 :
- Ajax deletion.
- Choose the display type of the entity or the form.
- Remove things in special divs on pages on creation.
If you are a developper, you can see inside the code the roadmap and todos.

Seems to be compatible with any content entity (tested with core entities, paragraphs...). Some special use-case must be dealt with (nodes and blocks for examples). Please post issues for theses use-case.

--------------- Drupal 7 ---------------------- :

Compatible for now with :
- Content types
- Comments
- Entity forms
- Field collection (with a special formatter).

Known to be compatible with multiple form on the same page (for examples multiple comment forms in a view). Handle the files by triggering the upload with a little javascript action. It handle errors as well.

Included options and features :
- Can be enabled per entity per bundle.
- Reload the form or not for mass creation / single creation.
- Show the resulting entity above, under or replace the form and choose the display type of the entity. Or send it anywhere in the page in a special div.
- Remove the confirmation messages.
- Activate and place ajax edit / delete links.
- Remove things in special divs on pages on creation.

Known issues in Drupal 7 :
Due to core limitations or javascript handling of some form element, the module may have issue with form element triggering themselves AJAX triggers when multiple forms are on the same page.

Installation and usage :
In drupal 7, requires Entity API
Activate like any module and just activate per entity / bundle on the config page.

Development by émérya (France)

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
