287 pass

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All classes passed!
275SMS Framework.SMS Framework
1SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\FunctionalJavascript\SmsFrameworkPhoneNumberAdminTest
- testPhoneNumberFieldExisting
1SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms_blast\Functional\SmsBlastBrowserTest
- testSendBlast
9SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms_devel\Functional\SmsDevelMessageTest
- testSendSkipQueue
- testSendNoSkipQueue
- testReceiveSkipQueue
- testReceiveNoSkipQueue
- testReceiveGatewayInvalid
- testAutomated
- testDate
- testNoFallbackGateway
- testVerboseReports
3SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms_sendtophone\Functional\SmsSendToPhoneBrowserTest
- testAdminSettingsAndSendToPhone
- testSendToPhoneFilter
- testFieldFormatAndWidget
1SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms_user\Kernel\SmsFrameworkUserTest
- testAccountRegistrationNoPhoneSettings
12SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms_user\Kernel\SmsFrameworkUserActiveHoursServiceTest
- testInHoursActiveHoursOff
- testInHoursDifferentTimezone
- testInHoursSameTimezone
- testInHoursDifferentDay
- testInHoursAllDay
- testInHoursAllDayDifferentTimezone
- testFindNextTimeNoRanges
- testFindNextTimeSameDay
- testFindNextTimeSameDayOutOfHours
- testGetRanges
- testDelaySmsMessage
- testDelaySmsMessageNotAutomated
20SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms_user\Kernel\SmsFrameworkUserAccountRegistrationServiceTest
- testUnrecognisedOffNoCreateUser
- testUnrecognisedCreateUser
- testUnrecognisedCreateUserPhoneNumberRecognised
- testUnrecognisedNoReply
- testUnrecognisedGotReply
- testUnrecognisedNoEmail
- testIncomingPatternUserCreated
- testIncomingPatternPlaceholders
- testIncomingPatternMultiplePlaceholderSuccess
- testIncomingPatternMultiplePlaceholderFailure
- testIncomingPatternNoEmail
- testIncomingPatternNoPlaceholders
- testIncomingPatternPlaceholderEscapedDelimiters
- testIncomingPatternNoReply
- testIncomingPatternHasReply
- testIncomingPatternActivateEmail
- testIncomingPatternNoActivateEmail
- testErrorBuilder
- testUniqueUsername
- testReplyTokens
3SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Functional\SmsFrameworkSettingsTest
- testSettingsForm
- testGatewaySet
- testVerificationPathInvalid
4SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Functional\SmsFrameworkPhoneNumberWidgetTest
- testPhoneNumberWidget
- testPhoneNumberWidgetWithExpiredVerificationCode
- testPhoneNumberPurgedFieldValueOnExpiration
- testPhoneNumberNotPurgedFieldValueOnExpiration
4SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Functional\SmsFrameworkPhoneNumberVerifyForm
- testVerifyFormAccess
- testVerifyForm
- testVerifyFormFlood
- testVerifyPathSettings
3SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Functional\SmsFrameworkPhoneNumberTest
- testPhoneNumberVerificationCreated
- testPhoneNumberVerificationMessage
- testPhoneNumberVerificationDeleted
3SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Functional\SmsFrameworkPhoneNumberAdminTest
- testPhoneNumberList
- testPhoneNumberCrud
- testPhoneNumberFieldCreate
1SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Functional\SmsFrameworkIncomingBrowserTest
- testIncomingRouteEndpoint
8SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Functional\SmsFrameworkGatewayAdminTest
- testGatewayList
- testFallbackGateway
- testGatewayAdd
- testGatewayEdit
- testGatewayEditNoDeliveryUrl
- testGatewayDelete
- testIncomingGatewayEdit
- testNoIncomingFields
1SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Functional\SmsFrameworkDeliveryReportTest
- testDeliveryReports
1SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Functional\SmsFrameworkBrowserTest
- testQueueReport
5SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Kernel\Migrate\MigrateD7SmsPhoneNumberTest
- testMigrationRequirements
- testPhoneSettingsMigration
- testPhoneSettingsMigrationWithCustomVerificationMessage
- testPhoneNumberMigration
- testRollBack
5SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Kernel\Migrate\MigrateD6SmsPhoneNumberTest
- testMigrationRequirements
- testPhoneSettingsMigration
- testPhoneSettingsMigrationWithCustomVerificationMessage
- testPhoneNumberMigration
- testRollBack
1SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Kernel\SmsFrameworkViewsTest
- testSms
5SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Kernel\SmsFrameworkVerificationMaintenanceTest
- testVerificationUnverifiedNotExpired
- testVerificationUnverifiedExpired
- testVerificationUnverifiedExpiredNoPurgeFieldData
- testVerificationUnverifiedExpiredPurgeFieldData
- testVerificationVerifiedExpired
3SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Kernel\SmsFrameworkTokenTest
- testSmsTokens
- testVerificationCode
- testSmsMessageTokens
3SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Kernel\SmsFrameworkSmsSendTest
- testGatewayInstall
- testDefaultGatewayChange
- testSmsSendSpecified
1SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Kernel\SmsFrameworkRecipientGatewayEventTest
- testGatewayEventSubscriber
8SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Kernel\SmsFrameworkQueueTest
- testProcessUnqueued
- testQueueIncoming
- testQueueOutgoing
- testQueueDelayed
- testQueueNotDelayedScheduleAware
- testRetentionImmediateDelete
- testRetentionPersist
- testRetentionUnlimited
2SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Kernel\SmsFrameworkPushedDeliveryReportTest
- testDeliveryReportRoute
- testDeliveryReportRouteNoSupportPush
25SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Kernel\SmsFrameworkProviderTest
- testSend
- testSendNoDirection
- testIncoming
- testIncomingNoDirection
- testIncomingNoRecipients
- testNoSendNoRecipients
- testNoSendNoMessage
- testQueueNoDirection
- testSendNoFallbackGateway
- testQueueBasic
- testQueueNoFallbackGateway
- testSkipQueue
- testQueueIn
- testQueueOut
- testQueueOutSkipQueue
- testNoRecipients
- testChunking
- testNoChunking
- testIncomingNotChunked
- testEventsQueueOutgoing
- testEventsQueueOutgoingSkipQueue
- testEventsQueueIncoming
- testEventsQueueIncomingSkipQueue
- testEventsOutgoing
- testEventsIncoming
5SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Kernel\SmsFrameworkProcessorTest
- testIncomingNoResult
- testIncomingMissingReports
- testOutgoingMissingReports
- testIncomingMissingGateway
- testIncomingUnSupported
11SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Kernel\SmsFrameworkPhoneNumberVerificationTest
- testGetPhoneNumberSettings
- testGetPhoneNumberSettingsForEntityNoSettings
- testGetPhoneNumberSettingsForEntity
- testGetPhoneVerificationByCode
- testGetPhoneVerificationByFakeCode
- testGetPhoneVerificationByPhoneNumber
- testGetPhoneVerificationByPhoneNumberVerified
- testGetPhoneVerificationByPhoneNumberEntityType
- testGetPhoneVerificationByEntity
- testGetPhoneVerificationByEntityInvalidPhone
- testNewPhoneVerification
6SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Kernel\SmsFrameworkPhoneNumberProviderTest
- testGetPhoneNumbersUnverified
- testGetPhoneNumbersVerified
- testGetPhoneNumbersNoVerification
- testSendMessageUnverified
- testSendMessageVerified
- testSendMessageOneMessage
12SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Kernel\SmsFrameworkMessageResultEntityTest
- testSaveAndRetrieveResult
- testSaveResultWithoutParent
- testGetReportsNoReport
- testError
- testErrorMessage
- testGetReport
- testReports
- testAddReport
- testCreditsBalance
- testCreditsBalanceIncorrectType
- testCreditsUsed
- testCreditsUsedIncorrectType
32SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Kernel\SmsFrameworkMessageEntityTest
- testMessageEmpty
- testUid
- testSenderNameWithSenderEntity
- testDirectionEntityValidation
- testGateway
- testSenderEntity
- testRecipientEntity
- testQueued
- testCreatedTime
- testSendTime
- testProcessedTime
- testChunkByRecipientsEntity
- testConvertToEntityFromStandardSmsMessage
- testConvertToEntityFromEntitySmsMessage
- testSaveAndRetrieveSmsMessage
- testGetResultNoResult
- testCascadeDelete
- testSender
- testSenderNumber
- testMessage
- testRecipients
- testRecipientAdd
- testRecipientsAdd
- testRecipientRemove
- testRecipientsRemove
- testDirection
- testOptionsSet
- testOptionsRemove
- testResults
- testAutomated
- testUuid
- testsChunkByRecipients
2SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Kernel\SmsFrameworkIncomingRouteTest
- testIncomingRouteUnsupported
- testIncomingRoute
1SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Kernel\SmsFrameworkGatewayPluginTest
- testIncomingEvent
23SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Kernel\SmsFrameworkGatewayEntityTest
- testSkipQueue
- testIncomingRetentionDuration
- testOutgoingRetentionDuration
- testGetRetentionDurationInvalidDirection
- testPushIncomingPath
- testSupportsIncoming
- testNotSupportsIncoming
- testAutoCreateIncomingRoute
- testNoAutoCreateIncomingRoute
- testPushReportPath
- testPushReportUrl
- testSupportsReportsPushCustom
- testSupportsReportsPushDefault
- testSupportsReportsPullCustom
- testSupportsReportsPullDefault
- testGetMaxRecipientsOutgoingCustom
- testGetMaxRecipientsOutgoingDefault
- testSupportsIncomingCustom
- testSupportsIncomingDefault
- testIsScheduleAwareCustom
- testIsScheduleAwareDefault
- testSupportsCreditBalanceQueryCustom
- testSupportsCreditBalanceQueryDefault
1SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Kernel\SmsFrameworkDeliveryReportUpdateTest
- testDeliveryReportUpdate
11SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Kernel\SmsFrameworkDeliveryReportEntityTest
- testTimeQueued
- testTimeDelivered
- testSaveAndRetrieveReport
- testSaveReportWithoutParent
- testReportRevisions
- testMultipleReportRevisions
- testMessageId
- testRecipient
- testStatus
- testStatusMessage
- testStatusTime
6SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Unit\Event\RecipientGatewayEventTest
- testSortFunction
- testRecipientConstructor
- testRecipient
- testGetGateways
- testGatewayRemove
- testGatewayRemoveAllSameId
16SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Unit\Message\SmsMessageTest
- testSender
- testSenderNumber
- testMessage
- testRecipients
- testRecipientAdd
- testRecipientsAdd
- testRecipientRemove
- testRecipientsRemove
- testDirection
- testOptionsSet
- testOptionsRemove
- testResults
- testUid
- testAutomated
- testUuid
- testsChunkByRecipients
9SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Unit\Message\SmsFrameworkResultUnitTest
- testError
- testErrorMessage
- testGetReport
- testReports
- testAddReport
- testCreditsBalance
- testCreditsBalanceIncorrectType
- testCreditsUsed
- testCreditsUsedIncorrectType
7SMS Framework.Drupal\Tests\sms\Unit\Message\SmsFrameworkDeliveryReportUnitTest
- testMessageId
- testRecipient
- testStatus
- testStatusMessage
- testStatusTime
- testTimeQueued
- testTimeDelivered
12SMS User.SMS User
10SMS User.Drupal\Tests\sms_user\Functional\SmsFrameworkUserSettingsTest
- testSettingsForm
- testSettingsFormValidationFail
- testAccountRegistrationOff
- testAccountRegistrationReplyTokens
- testAccountRegistrationUnrecognised
- testAccountRegistrationIncomingPattern
- testAccountRegistrationValidationEmptyReplies
- testAccountRegistrationValidationIncomingPattern
- testFormNoUserPhoneNumberSettings
- testFormUserPhoneNumberSettings
2SMS User.Drupal\Tests\sms_user\Functional\SmsFrameworkUserMenuLinksTest
- testDynamicMenuLinks
- testNoDynamicMenuLinks

42 coding standards messages

line 7Expected indentation of 2 spaces but found 1 spaces. (yml/indent)
8Expected indentation of 2 spaces but found 1 spaces. (yml/indent)
54Expected indentation of 16 spaces but found 15 spaces. (yml/indent)
55Expected indentation of 18 spaces but found 17 spaces. (yml/indent)
44The array declaration extends to column 158 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
44The array declaration extends to column 157 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
142Use null coalesce operator instead of ternary operator.
151Use null coalesce operator instead of ternary operator.
356The array declaration extends to column 113 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
452The array declaration extends to column 93 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
455The array declaration extends to column 94 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
64The array declaration extends to column 101 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
64The array declaration extends to column 100 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
76The array declaration extends to column 101 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
76The array declaration extends to column 100 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
88The array declaration extends to column 101 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
88The array declaration extends to column 100 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
100The array declaration extends to column 101 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
100The array declaration extends to column 100 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
112The array declaration extends to column 103 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
112The array declaration extends to column 102 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
136The array declaration extends to column 103 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
136The array declaration extends to column 102 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
168The array declaration extends to column 81 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
169The array declaration extends to column 85 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
170The array declaration extends to column 83 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
184The array declaration extends to column 81 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
185The array declaration extends to column 83 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
200The array declaration extends to column 81 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
201The array declaration extends to column 85 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
198Use null coalesce operator instead of ternary operator.
127Use null coalesce operator instead of ternary operator.
63The array declaration extends to column 88 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
280The array declaration extends to column 81 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
286The array declaration extends to column 92 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
286The array declaration extends to column 82 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines
71Expected "arraymixed" but found "array<mixed>" for @var tag in member variable comment
85Use null coalesce operator instead of ternary operator.
68Use null coalesce operator instead of ternary operator.
115Use null coalesce operator instead of ternary operator.
162Use null coalesce operator instead of ternary operator.
320Use null coalesce operator instead of ternary operator.


5 Dec 2022 at 12:09 UTC