56 pass

DrupalCI console output and artifacts are no longer available from dispatcher.drupalci.org. Use GitLab CI instead

All classes passed!
- setUp
- testContextId
- testContextIdName
- testContextIdNameType
- testNextContextId
- setUp
- testKeywordsSubstitution
- testOptionalRequiredContext
- setUp
- testCssCache
- setUp
- testCssStoreFilterRetrieve
- testCssStoreOverwrite
- testCssFilterURLHandling
- testCssFilterMergeProperties
- setUp
- testCrudExportLoad
- testCrudExportLoadMultiple
- testCrudExportLoadAll
- testCrudExportSave
- testCrudExportNew
- testCrudExportRevert
- testCrudExportDelete
- testCrudExportSetStatus
- setUp
- testStack
- setUp
- testArithmetic
- testBuildInFunctions
- testVariables
- testCustomFunctions
- setUp
- testBreakPhrase
- testGetUserRoles
- testAttachJs
- testAttachCss
- testApiVersionCompare
- testClassesAdd
- testClassesRemove
- testClassesAddRemove
- testClassesAddRemove2
- setUp
- testObjectStorage
- setUp
- testSetPageToken
- testSetVariableToken
- testReplaceVariableToken
- testReplaceCallbackToken
- setUp
- testPluginLoading
- setUp
- testFindSimpleCachePlugin
- testFindExportUICachePlugin
- testFindFoobarbazCachePlugin
- setUp
- testHeadLinks

57 coding standards messages

line 10Doc comment short description must be on a single line, further text should be a separate paragraph
54Comment indentation error, expected only 1 spaces
191Doc comment short description must be on a single line, further text should be a separate paragraph
238Doc comment short description must be on a single line, further text should be a separate paragraph
6Doc comment short description must be on a single line, further text should be a separate paragraph
10Format should be "* Implements hook_foo().", "* Implements hook_foo_BAR_ID_bar() for xyz_bar().",, "* Implements hook_foo_BAR_ID_bar() for xyz-bar.html.twig.", "* Implements hook_foo_BAR_ID_bar() for xyz-bar.tpl.php.", or "* Implements hook_foo_BAR_ID_...
83Missing function doc comment
195Doc comment short description must be on a single line, further text should be a separate paragraph
372If the line declaring an array spans longer than 80 characters, each element should be broken into its own line
6Class name must begin with a capital letter
6Class name must use UpperCamel naming without underscores
9Doc comment short description must be on a single line, further text should be a separate paragraph
10Missing @var tag in member variable comment
11Class property $panel_pane_display should use lowerCamel naming without underscores
13Class property $view_pane_conf should use lowerCamel naming without underscores
15Public method name "views_content_plugin_display_panel_pane::option_definition" is not in lowerCamel format
15Missing function doc comment
51Doc comment short description must be on a single line, further text should be a separate paragraph
57Missing parameter comment
58Public method name "views_content_plugin_display_panel_pane::set_pane_conf" is not in lowerCamel format
58Type hint "array" missing for $conf
70Public method name "views_content_plugin_display_panel_pane::options_summary" is not in lowerCamel format
159Public method name "views_content_plugin_display_panel_pane::options_form" is not in lowerCamel format
303If the line declaring an array spans longer than 80 characters, each element should be broken into its own line
329Doc comment short description must be on a single line, further text should be a separate paragraph
331Public method name "views_content_plugin_display_panel_pane::options_submit" is not in lowerCamel format
351Doc comment short description must be on a single line, further text should be a separate paragraph
353Public method name "views_content_plugin_display_panel_pane::get_argument_input" is not in lowerCamel format
381Public method name "views_content_plugin_display_panel_pane::get_path" is not in lowerCamel format
381Missing function doc comment
388Public method name "views_content_plugin_display_panel_pane::get_url" is not in lowerCamel format
388Missing function doc comment
395Public method name "views_content_plugin_display_panel_pane::uses_exposed_form_in_block" is not in lowerCamel format
395Missing function doc comment
403Doc comment short description must be on a single line, further text should be a separate paragraph
409Public method name "views_content_plugin_display_panel_pane::displays_exposed" is not in lowerCamel format
418Whitespace found at end of line
421Public method name "views_content_plugin_display_panel_pane::load_view_conf" is not in lowerCamel format
437Private method name "views_content_plugin_display_panel_pane::apply_view_conf" is not in lowerCamel format
465Line indented incorrectly; expected 6 spaces, found 8
469Private method name "views_content_plugin_display_panel_pane::build_views_conf_from_pane_conf" is not in lowerCamel format
469Missing function doc comment
518Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, colons, question marks, or closing parentheses
524Inline comments must start with a capital letter
547Inline comments must start with a capital letter
547Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, colons, question marks, or closing parentheses
554Inline comments must start with a capital letter
569Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 81 characters
600Whitespace found at end of line
7Doc comment short description must be on a single line, further text should be a separate paragraph
110Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 85 characters
111Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 84 characters
151Missing function doc comment
300Format should be "* Implements hook_foo().", "* Implements hook_foo_BAR_ID_bar() for xyz_bar().",, "* Implements hook_foo_BAR_ID_bar() for xyz-bar.html.twig.", "* Implements hook_foo_BAR_ID_bar() for xyz-bar.tpl.php.", or "* Implements hook_foo_BAR_ID_...
311Format should be "* Implements hook_foo().", "* Implements hook_foo_BAR_ID_bar() for xyz_bar().",, "* Implements hook_foo_BAR_ID_bar() for xyz-bar.html.twig.", "* Implements hook_foo_BAR_ID_bar() for xyz-bar.tpl.php.", or "* Implements hook_foo_BAR_ID_...
315Inline comments must start with a capital letter
315Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, colons, question marks, or closing parentheses

ctools 7.x-1.x-dev branch result


2 Apr 2019 at 12:57 UTC