Hi Friends

I Have been working on drupal since the last few days.

I had got a problem with weblinks:
After i install the weblink module , i can only create a weblink through create content

But I can't find a way to view all the weblinks
I created a menu item and gave the link as "weblink" but no menu item is created
I can only see the "weblink" menu item on administrator menu section and not on the navigation

If any body has a solution then PLEASE REPLY

Thanks and Regards


taherk’s picture

are u using weblink or the new links module.

Menu item is created, but the theme u use is preventing the display I guess.

Cheap domains @whiz.in

sandeepkumar’s picture

Hi taherk

I am using weblink module and i am using friendelectric theme available at www.drupal.org.

I had even changed the theme but the menu item is not created for weblink.

I am not able to understand the problem with it.


taherk’s picture

Do you see the menu item in your admin - > menu area? If so then its the theme.

If you put the menu item for weblink as taxonomy/vocabulary/<#>, then it will show up , only thing is that you will see categories this way.

# -- is the vocabulary # of weblink on ur site

Cheap domains @ http://whiz.in

edrupalec’s picture

to check if a problem is with your theme, switch back to bluemarine in my account.
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