
1) I want to suggest to make index in table locales_source on column source. In my environment it speeds load time 45x

2) I want to ask, whether it is possible to reduce queries to db with locale module. On some pages I have almost 800 queries.

I don't know if this is the right place for this post, but I didn't find locale module between issues.

Detailed explanation:
My installation of Drupal 4.6 (with locale module switched off) has 69 queries to database on main page with anonymous user and render time 0.2 sec. With locale module switched on, the number of queries climbes to around 481 queries (!) and the page render time is about 18 sec! After some investigating, I put index on locales_source.souce and the render time drops to 0.4 sec.
Testing environment: PHP 5.1, MySQL 4.1, Apache 1.3, locale_source table with cca 3300 records.

I added index with following SQL:
ALTER TABLE `locales_source` ADD INDEX `idx_source`(`source`(20));


qube’s picture

Please if you know where to move this thread to be noticed by people who create locale module, give me an advice.

I would really appreciate if this module would be somehow remade to use less queries. I'm limited by 30000 queries per hour, so that means I can serve approximatelly 60 pages until resource is exceeded.

Zen’s picture