Change record status: 
Introduced in branch: 
Introduced in version: 

A config schema type can now declare itself fully validatable by adding the FullyValidatable validation constraint. For example:

Simple config
  type: config_object
  label: 'Update settings'
      type: boolean
    FullyValidatable: ~
Config entity type
  type: config_entity
  label: 'Shortcut settings'
      type: machine_name
    FullyValidatable: ~

What it means to be "fully validatable"

All values are required by default

In a fully validatable config schema type, all values are required by default (they cannot be NULL). A particular property can be marked optional (that is, allowed to be NULL) by specifying nullable: true.

(In configuration, type: sequence and type: mapping are the two types that can contain other values.)

So in the example above:

  • if my_module.settings:foo is set to null, you will see a validation error: This value should not be null. on my_module.settings:foo.
  • if shortcut.set.MY_SHORTCUT_SET:id is set to null, you will see a validation error: This value should not be null. on shortcut.set.MY_SHORTCUT_SET:id.

All keys of a mapping must be present

In a fully validatable config schema type, all type: mappings contained in that type will run the ValidKeys constraint in a strict mode, which will flag errors if any keys are missing (see the related change record for the Mapping object).

So in the example above:

  • if my_module.settings:foo is missing, you will see a validation error: 'foo' is a required key. on my_module.settings.
  • if shortcut.set.MY_SHORTCUT_SET:id is missing, you will see a validation error: 'id' is a required key. on shortcut.set.MY_SHORTCUT_SET.

A particular property can mark itself as optional (i.e., does not need to be present) by specifying requiredKey: false.

Config used in tests must be valid

The above validation also be applied to all tests.


  1. modifying config via JSON:API/GraphQL/REST requires full validation of config, which means we can't rely on forms to ensure certain config keys or values are present
  2. for the Recipes initiative to be able to provide a reliable experience, full validation of config is required
  3. updates would become more reliable (and Automatic Updates for contrib becomes more feasible)
  4. et cetera

In other words: these changes allow us to trust (and verify) config in many more situations than just the admin UI!

Module developers
Updates Done (doc team, etc.)
Online documentation: 
Not done
Theming guide: 
Not done
Module developer documentation: 
Not done
Examples project: 
Not done
Coder Review: 
Not done
Coder Upgrade: 
Not done
Other updates done