Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.


Provides StatsD metrics for all the configured queues' operations.


  • StatsD module for sending metrics.
  • HookedQueue module. It provides a queue backend which triggers hooks for all the queue's operations. StatsD Queue module makes use of them to send their metrics.


For a queue to be instrumented, you have to change its queue backend class to 'HookedQueue'. If StatsD Queue module is enabled, there is nothing else you need to do.
You can enable/disable metrics sending on a global or queue by queue basis.

Provided metrics

  • For all the queue property and method calls, a latency timer metric with how long the operation took.
  • Successful items and total bytes counters for createItem calls.
  • Successful items count for claimItem calls.
  • Items count and bytes, where applicable for failed items for the above methods. Failed here means returning FALSE (eg. claimItem returned no pending items).
  • (Still to figure how) Item counts for numberOfItems() method.
  • (More as they come)

Module status

This module is still work in progress, so expect things to evolve and eventually change. Be welcomed to file issues with suggestions and ideas.

Project information