University of Minnesota 2015

Last updated on
21 September 2016

Just before Twin Cities DrupalCamp 2015, a group of Drupal contributors participated both in-person (@LewisNyman, @Bojhan, @webchick, @eliza411, @stpaultim, @ivanstegic, @lunk_rat, and others) and remotely in Formal usability testing of Drupal 8 at the University of Minnesota Usability Lab.

Seven participants tested Drupal 8, all with a background in web development, some with prior Drupal experience and some without, but all new to Drupal 8. A set of scenarios were prepared that lead participants through a variety of content authoring and site building tasks:

- Add an about page and add it to the main navigation
- Create a content type with fields
- Test the mobile content authoring/editing experience
- Place a pre-configured block in the left sidebar (or create one in Views).

See #2497361: [meta] Fix issues found during UMN Usability Testing 2015 for more details and the results of the study.

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