On our website, www.bunn.com, we have a cookie named bunn_region. This cookie is set by the region menu in the header. When you navigate to our Ecommerce server (not Drupal) the region cookie is read by the system and it returns the catalog database for that region.

On the Drupal site, we have links that are specific to certain regions (i.e. CE agency listed machines are in Europe catalog but not US). If you click the link and don't have the same region selected in the header then you are taken to the incorrect catalog and the link is broken and you are defaulted to the home landing page of the region that was in the cookie.

I have modified code in a custom module to change the region when the link is clicked. However, when you click the link it changes the region and takes you to the new region BUT it still defaults to the home page, rather than taking you to the complete URL in the link. The interesting thing is that if you click the back button and click the link again, then the link works. For some reason the link won't work the first time the catalog is opened but any future attempts work since the region was previously selected and is in the cache (or something).

I need the link to work the first time you click it.

Here is the test page I have been using....


Any thoughts?


tommyboy7cubed’s picture

The links at the bottom of the test page are the ones to use. They start with "Test for..."