I have a site where one content type serves as a "container" for another content type. Let's assume an example of garages and car content types, where each garage has a number of cars.

I need a way to allow the user to edit the listing order of cars. I looked into the entityqueues module, but can't figure out if it would work for my setting, as it seems that you create static lists and then feed these lists to a view or similar. What I need is sort of a unique queue of cars for each garage.

I also thought about having a "next car" reference on each car, but I could imagine that would get messy to maintain.

I am using entity relation to link my content types and I am also using inline entity reference and corresponding entity reference to be able to create cars inline from the create garage form, so the solution should work in this setting.

(In case you've seen the question before it's because I copied it off stackoverflow, where I did not get any replies, so in case you want to stack up on points in there you are welcome to cross-post your answers: https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/157465/listing-order-of-content)


I feel that my use-case was not entirely clear. Maybe this is a better example. Say you have a course that contains multiple lectures. What I need is not just a way to order the lectures visually, but also to display a link to the previous/next lecture in the detailed description of the lecture itself and possibly in the future have users mark which lectures they have completed and help them continue where they left off. That's why I thought of having a previous/next reference on each lecture/car (or whatever the subtype might be).


Stefan Lehmann’s picture

Uhm maybe I don't get your situation right, but if you have an Entity reference field for multiple references and let Drupal render this Entity reference field normally via the Drupal node display. The listing will have the same order as the list of references back on the node form.

You can then sort these lists on a per node basis by simply drag and doppping the references up and down.

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