Getting started

Last updated on
29 April 2022

Drupal 7 will no longer be supported after January 5, 2025. Learn more and find resources for Drupal 7 sites

System requirements

  • Drupal Core: 7.40 (or greater)
  • PHP: version 5.3.10 (or greater)

Drupal pre-requisites

Download and install the following Drupal modules:
This will help you get started so you can do amazing things with Drupal. 

Please note that in version 7.x-3.1 of this module it was also necessary to download the following module. This is no longer required for version 7.x-3.2 onwards:

Please also note the installation of the Openlayers sub-modules may require one or more of the following modules to be installed:

Openlayers module

Download the Drupal Openlayers module, and install the Openlayers module and the Openlayers UI sub-module.

Openlayers library

Download and extract the Openlayers javascript library from  You can choose to download the version or the version - both will work under 7.x-3.2 of the module.

For version 7.x-3.1, copy the extracted folder into your sites "libraries" folder into a sub-folder named "openlayers3".  The main ol.js file should then be available at "sites/all/libraries/openlayers3/build/ol.js".

For version 7.x-3.2 onwards, it is now possible to hold multiple local versions of the Openlayers library, so copy the extracted folder into your site "libraries" folder into a sub-folder named "openlayers3/versions/vX.Y.Z", where vX.Y.Z is the version number of the downloaded library.  The main ol.js file should then be available at "sites/all/libraries/openlayers3/versions/vX.Y.Z/build/ol.js" (when using the version) or "sites/all/libraries/openlayers3/versions/vX.Y.Z/ol.js" (when using the version).

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