I know I can use the menu_alter hook to remove menus and such for certain users. Now I have the desired menus and configuration options for the user except for some of the things on the performance page. How can I remove the caching and bandwidth optimization sections of the performance page?



nevets’s picture

That is an admin page, a very limited number of people should have access.

Guybrush Threepwood’s picture

Yes, this is true, but I have an editor that needs to be able to clear the cache to do his work. I made a module to give him access only to the configuration > performance page. But in this page there are two sections besides the clear cache button that I don't want the user to have access to. Thus, I need a way to take these options out of the performance page.

nevets’s picture

I would suggest a custom page with just a "Clear cache" link/button (It can use the path from the performance page).

Guybrush Threepwood’s picture

This will work, but I already finished my custom module. The needed information can be found in this link: http://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/115731/how-do-i-take-out-the-c...

joshi.rohit100’s picture

In form alter, you can set the #access = False for any element that you don't want to be available for specific users.