API Documentation Examples

Last updated on
19 January 2023

This page is ia collection of the complete API documentation examples, which you can use as starting points to writing documentation that conforms to the Drupal project's API documentation standards.


General standards for file documentation

Module file (*.module)


 * @file
 * Attaches custom data fields to Drupal entities.

Install file (*.install)


 * @file
 * Install, update and uninstall functions for the System module.

Include file (*.inc)

 * @file
 * Media module integration for the Media module.

PHP theme template file (*.tpl.php -- base implementation)

Special standards for tpl.php files


 * @file
 * Displays a block.
 * Available variables:
 * - $block->subject: Block title.
 * (list the other variables here)
 * @see template_preprocess_block()
 * @ingroup themeable
(HTML/PHP code for template starts here)

File containing a single class

Object-oriented coding standards.


namespace Drupal\commerce\Element;

use Drupal\commerce\EntityHelper;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Render\Element\FormElement;

 * Provides a form input element for selecting one or multiple entities.
 * The element is transformed based on the number of available entities:
 *   1..#autocomplete_threshold: Checkboxes/radios element, based on #multiple.
 *   >#autocomplete_threshold: entity autocomplete element.
 * If the element is required, and there's only one available entity, a hidden
 * form element can be used instead of checkboxes/radios.
 * Properties:
 * - #target_type: The entity type being selected.
 * - #multiple: Whether the user may select more than one item.
 * - #default_value: An entity ID or an array of entity IDs.
 * - #hide_single_entity: Whether to use a hidden element when there's only one
 *                        available entity and the element is required.
 * - #autocomplete_threshold: Determines when to use the autocomplete.
 * - #autocomplete_size: The size of the autocomplete element in characters.
 * - #autocomplete_placeholder: The placeholder for the autocomplete element.
 * Example usage:
 * @code
 * $form['entities'] = [
 *   '#type' => 'commerce_entity_select',
 *   '#title' => t('Stores'),
 *   '#target_type' => 'commerce_store',
 *   '#multiple' => TRUE,
 * ];
 * @end
 * @FormElement("commerce_entity_select")
class EntitySelect extends FormElement {

PHP theme template file (*.tpl.php -- theme-specific override )

Special standards for tpl.php files Note that there is no @ingroup themeable in the override!


 * @file
 * Displays a block.
 * Available variables:
 * - $block->subject: Block title.
 * (list the other variables here)
 * @see template_preprocess_block()
(HTML/PHP code for template starts here)


Documentation standards for functions

Generic functions

 * Returns data from the persistent cache.
 * Data may be stored as either plain text or as serialized data. cache_get
 * will automatically return unserialized objects and arrays.
 * @param int $cid
 *   The cache ID of the data to retrieve.
 * @param string $bin
 *   The cache bin to store the data in. Valid core values are 'cache_block',
 *   'cache_bootstrap', 'cache_field', 'cache_filter', 'cache_form',
 *   'cache_menu', 'cache_page', 'cache_path', 'cache_update' or 'cache' for
 *   the default cache.
 * @return mixed
 *   The value from the cache, or FALSE on failure.
 * @see cache_set()
function cache_get($cid, $bin = 'cache') {

Callback functions

Standards for documenting callback functions -- these are standard-format callback functions that are passed to other functions as arguments.

Callback used in only one API function:

 * Sorts structured arrays by weight.
 * Callback for uasort() within foo_bar().
function element_sort($a, $b) {

Callback used in a few API functions:

 * Sorts structured arrays by weight.
 * Callback for uasort() within:
 * - foo()
 * - bar()
function element_sort($a, $b) {

Callback used in many functions, where some explanation is needed for the otherwise standard function arguments:

[NOTE: NEEDS STANDARDS UPDATE - data types on @param/@return!]

 * Sorts a structured array by the 'weight' element.
 * Note that the sorting is by the 'weight' array element, not by the render
 * element property '#weight'.
 * Callback for uasort() used in various functions.
 * @param $a
 *   First item for comparison. The compared items should be associative arrays
 *   that optionally include a 'weight' element. For items without a 'weight'
 *   element, a default value of 0 will be used.
 * @param $b
 *   Second item for comparison.
function drupal_sort_weight($a, $b) {

Hook definition functions

Standards for documenting hook definitions

[NOTE: NEEDS STANDARDS UPDATE - data types on @param/@return, and function body needs to be provided, as it's part of the documentation.]

 * Define the Field API schema for a field structure.
 * This hook MUST be defined in .install for it to be detected during
 * installation and upgrade.
 * @param $field
 *   A field structure.
 * @return
 *   An associative array with the following keys:
 *   - columns: An array of Schema API column specifications, keyed by column
 *     name. This specifies what comprises a value for a given field. For
 *     example, a value for a number field is simply 'value', while a value for
 *     a formatted text field is the combination of 'value' and 'format'. It is
 *     recommended to avoid having the column definitions depend on field
 *     settings when possible. No assumptions should be made on how storage
 *     engines internally use the original column name to structure their
 *     storage.
 *   - indexes: (optional) An array of Schema API indexes definitions. Only
 *     columns that appear in the 'columns' array are allowed. Those indexes
 *     will be used as default indexes. Callers of field_create_field() can
 *     specify additional indexes, or, at their own risk, modify the default
 *     indexes specified by the field-type module. Some storage engines might
 *     not support indexes.
 *   - foreign keys: (optional) An array of Schema API foreign keys
 *     definitions.
function hook_field_schema($field) {

hook implementation

Standards for documenting hook implementations

 * Implements hook_menu().
function search_menu() {

hook_update_N implementation (update function)

Drupal API documentation standards for functions

 * Upgrade the node type table and fix node type 'module' attribute to avoid name-space conflicts.
function node_update_7000() {
  // Rename the module column to base.

form-generating function (including validate/submit)

Form-generating functions

[needs an example]

hook_menu() callbacks

[needs an example]

Standards for documenting hook_menu() callbacks

[NEEDS STANDARDS UPDATE - data type on parameter, and it needs @return as well!!]

 * Page callback: Displays the dashboard.
 * @param $launch_customize
 *   Whether to launch in customization mode right away. TRUE or FALSE.
function dashboard_admin($launch_customize = FALSE) {

render API callback

Render API callback functions

(needs an example)

theme_foo() themeable function

Standards for documenting themeable functions

 * Returns HTML for a form.
 * @param array $variables
 *   An associative array containing:
 *   - element: An associative array containing the properties of the element.
 *     Properties used: #action, #method, #attributes, #children
 * @ingroup themeable
function theme_form($variables) {


Standards for documenting classes and interfaces

Class with a namespace


namespace Drupal\Core\Plugin\Context;

use Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\ContextException;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableDependencyInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Plugin\ContextAwarePluginInterface;

 * Provides methods to handle sets of contexts.
class ContextHandler implements ContextHandlerInterface {

Class without a namespace

(needs example)


[NEEDS STANDARDS UPDATE - first line does not conform to standards]

namespace Drupal\Component\Plugin;

use Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginException;

 * Interface for defining context aware plugins.
 * Context aware plugins can specify an array of context definitions keyed by
 * context name at the plugin definition under the "context" key.
interface ContextAwarePluginInterface extends PluginInspectionInterface {

Member function

(needs example)

Member function that overrides base class method

[NEEDS STANDARDS UPDATE: first line needs class name and probably namespace]

   * Overrides prepareTimezone().
   * Override basic component timezone handling to use Drupal's
   * knowledge of the preferred user timezone.
  protected function prepareTimezone($timezone) {

Member function that implements interface method

   * Implements ArrayAccess::offsetExists().
  public function offsetExists($offset) {

Member constant

(needs example)

Member variable

(needs example)

Plugin annotation

Standards for plugin annotation

(needs example)

Miscellaneous examples


(needs link to standards)

[NEEDS GRAMMAR UPDATE - this example is not well written. Maybe pick a different constant? Also, where did this come from? We're looking for a define() here I think, not a class constant.]

 * The block or element is the same for every user and page that it is visible.
const DRUPAL_CACHE_GLOBAL = 0x0008;

Global variable

(needs example, and you might note that these are documented in separate api.php files)

Bullet lists

Standards for using lists

(needs example)

Sections, sub-sections, and in-page references

Standards for using sections

(needs example)

Code samples (@code)

Standards for using @code

 * For example, one might wish to return a list of the most recent 10 nodes
 * authored by a given user. Instead of directly issuing the SQL query
 * @code
 * SELECT n.nid, n.title, n.created FROM node n WHERE n.uid = $uid LIMIT 0, 10;
 * @endcode

Standards for using @link

 * This framework creates a PHP macro language that allows the server to
 * instruct JavaScript to perform actions on the client browser. When using
 * forms, it can be used with the #ajax property.
 * The #ajax property can be used to bind events to the Ajax framework. By
 * default, #ajax uses 'system/ajax' as its path for submission and thus calls
 * ajax_form_callback() and a defined #ajax['callback'] function.
 * However, you may optionally specify a different path to request or a
 * different callback function to invoke, which can return updated HTML or can
 * also return a richer set of
 * @link ajax_commands Ajax framework commands @endlink.


Standards for using @see

 * Respond to a custom menu creation.
 * This hook is used to notify modules that a custom menu has been created.
 * Contributed modules may use the information to perform actions based on the
 * information entered into the menu system.
 * @param \Drupal\system\Plugin\Core\Entity\Menu $menu
 *   A menu entity.
 * @see hook_menu_update()
 * @see hook_menu_delete()
function hook_menu_insert($menu) {

Defining a topic/group

Standards for using @defgroup, @ingroup, and @addtogroup

(needs example)

@ingroup and @addtogroup

Standards for using @defgroup, @ingroup, and @addtogroup

 * @ingroup php_wrappers
function drupal_parse_url($url) {

(needs example for addtogroup)

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